DJWORX press embargo product launch email

DEAR INDUSTRY: Let’s talk about product launches

It’s only November, but rest assured that preparations for NAMM 2020 in January are in full swing. New shiny is being shined, or most likely new renders being rendered. And this seasoned editor is already bracing himself for the vast assortment of good and bad PR heading in the general direction of my inbox in the coming weeks.

But before that happens, we (i.e. the industry and myself) need to have a chat about product launches. Having covered every major release since 2003, it’s fair to say that I have enough editorial experience in this game to be able to comment on what works, and importantly what doesn’t. 

So please allow me share, with the very best of intentions, a few words of sage advice (and a little tongue-in-cheek ribbing too) to ensure that your latest and greatest reaches the pages of not just DJWORX, but the also those of the ever-growing and diverse horde of “media outlets” in the most efficient manner.


If you’re involved in the marketing of new DJ shiny, and in particular the preparation of press materials, you absolutely need to bear the following in mind, and keep them front and centre in everything you do:

  1. Attention spans are short
  2. Patience levels have worn thin 
  3. Cynicism is growing
  4. We’ve probably seen it all before

With this in mind…


I know I know — you’re super thrilled and excited to share some really big news with us all. But instead you send out a blurry blob of an image designed to induce trouser trauma and GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome) at the same time. But here’s what actually happens:

  • You show too much and spill the beans (especially if I go at it forensically in Photoshop), thus blowing your carefully orchestrated launch. 
  • Most likely you don’t show enough, allowing the readers to fill in the gaps with laws of physics breaking sci-fi impossibilities that only three people in the world would have a use for. 
  • You take too long to get to the point, boredom sets in, and the next shiny thing has caught our collective attention. 

The DJ industry has contracted to a point where a few large companies make all the products. This is basically split between Pioneer DJ and the inMusic stable of brands, which naturally breeds a fanboy and hater dynamic to flourish. And as shown with the recent Pioneer DJ REV7 teasing and subsequent leakage, this gave the Rane fans and Pioneer DJ haters the opportunity to taint the launch.

Given that launches are geared towards extracting all the money on day one, you really don’t need to give anyone a reason to not throw credit cards at the screen.

In reality, your attempt to build a buzz ends up killing it before PR is even posted. And no amount of carefully crafted hyperbole-laden verbiage is going to hide the fact that the teaser never ever lives up to the impossible expectations of the audience. You only have to look at the comments on our teaser story about whatever Denon DJ has up its sleeve to see how diverse and probably wrong those guesses are.

My advice — in the era of fake news, stop giving the community the opportunity to write their own. Let them deal with nothing but pure facts from the start, because when they fill in the dots, it’s likely to be another nail in the launch coffin. Remember — #hardfacts not #fakenews.


Since the dawn of the digital DJ age, there have been but a few legitimate uses of the phrase “game changer”. The CDJ-1000 definitely did, and DVS too. And I’d say the Vestax VCI-100 created the controller paradigm in the consciousness of the masses. But not every single iteration of the last product is a game changer. So stop saying it. It’s like profanity — if you fucking overuse that shit, it fucking loses all fucking impact. See?

Also, stop claiming firsts, because in the age of “it’s all been done before”, it probably isn’t. Besides, nobody except the marketing department cares if it’s a first — we only care about the value it brings to us as DJs. In essence, you reduce the potential market to early adopters by claiming firsts. 

Just don’t make us roll our eyes before we’ve even read the first paragraph, because I guarantee that this first impression will set the tone for how we approach the rest of the release.


Now to a particular bee in my editor’s bonnet. So you’ve got a stunning product, with a lavishly crafted media campaign that’s going to shock and awe. And then some dickhead gets hold of the info you mass mailed with a toothless embargo and blows the whole damned thing for shits, giggles, and some sort of fleeting internet fame. Sound familiar? 

There are steps that you can take to stop this happening. 

  1. Don’t tease. Yes this again. It just sets the grapevine-shaking and data-mining into overdrive. Speculative URLs will be hit, the FCC database trawled, and Google will be deep-dived. Essentially if it exists online somewhere outside of your four walls, it will be found, even on your server. History shows this repeatedly.
  2. Don’t mass mail. Does that every growing list of “media outlets” really need to have this information? Do you want quality coverage or just uncontrolled mass exposure? The more people who have it, the greater the chances of leakage. 
  3. Don’t send PR out early. The longer it’s out there, the greater the chance of it being found, shared, and leaked.
  4. Enforce your embargoes and NDAs. People in possession of confidential material must be made aware of real consequences if they share. Because right now, there aren’t any. A strongly worded email is the worst we can expect, and then it’s forgotten.
  5. Run a tighter ship. It’s hard enough to control the outside world. But your internal procedures could do with looking at as well. And here’s a suitably current example of why.

So summing up — minimise the number of people you send PR out to, and leave it as late as possible. More than anything, make it abundantly clear that if they leak, they’re off the press list, don’t get first batch shipments, or otherwise lose their seat at the table. The old adage of it being easier to seek forgiveness than ask permission is never truer — and you keep allowing it to happen.

If I can finish with a golden rule that would stop so much of the leaking — when it’s live in the manufacturer’s channels, then and only then, can it go live in anyone else’s. Jump even minutes before, and expect harsh consequences. 

Made up press release DJWORX
Every press release in a blender.


I cannot imagine the sheer volume of press releases I’ve handled in my time. But needless to say, they vary between “are you even sending a release?” to “I don’t know if I have enough space on my hard drive for this lot”. There is a balance — let me offer some useful advice that will help your launch reach our assorted media pages most effectively. 

  1. Get to the point. Just tell us what it is, what it does, what you want it to achieve, when we can have it, and how much it’ll cost in dollars, euros, sterling, and yen. Nobody cares what the product manager is alleged to have said. Two pages at the most. And leave off all that “about our company” guff too. Stick to the facts, and deliver them quickly.
  2. Make it easy for editors. From inbox to page needs to be short, and have as few conversion steps as possible.
  3. Supply different text formats. PDF isn’t always easy to convert, so if possible supply Word, Pages, and RTF. And PDF too to be safe.
  4. Image formats. PNG is overkill for anything. They’re huge and take too long to load onto a page. JPEG is absolutely fine. 
  5. Always supply a hero. If there isn’t one, there’s every chance we’ll ignore the press release. We don’t have the time, nor are we paid to do your job for you.
  6. More heroes. We editors don’t want our outlets to look just like everyone else’s. So a selection of hero shots is a good idea. Otherwise, We’ll just make our own. And mine aren’t always what you might want, and deliberately so.
  7. One simple package. Don’t make us hunt for things. Put everything we could possibly need in a single reasonably sized zip on Dropbox or similar, with a document that bullet points key talking points, URLs, prices etc. 

Essentially make it easy for us to post your material. And make it so that we want to post your material too.


I can’t leave this subject without touching on the timing of launches. Trade shows have traditionally been the time to do them, and in the past the opening door rush to send PR out was crazy. I remember sitting in front of a screen loaded with maybe 15 different press releases, all vying for my attention. And like a plate of food, when I’m over-faced, I often don’t want to start, and most certainly won’t finish.

But with fewer shows and equally fewer launches, how about filling up and owning the gaps between the shows instead of all trying to be seen at the same time? One person shouting in an empty room will be heard far more effectively that several yelling at the same time. And god knows there’s enough dead space in the year these days, and we editors are always looking to fill those gaps with content.

One last thing — if you’re going to make us want to sell body parts to fund our GAS, do try to have your latest nextlevelness ready to go when announced. It’s hardly a launch if it takes 6 months to migrate from press release to courier delivery.


In an ideal world, the manufacturers should be able to trust everyone in the chain to keep it in their pants. But they can’t. Hot info is kudos currency, and human nature dictates that the bigger the secret, the more likely it is to leak.

It comes down to doing everything possible to keep that cat with next level escapology skills in the thin paper bag. So instead of constantly sabotaging your own lengthy and expensive PR efforts, don’t tease, keep the PR list short, send it out as late as possible, and impose harsh consequences for leaking. And make sure that what you send out is as clear and concise as possible.

One more thing

Having seen the same vicious cycle repeated for 16 years, I offer these words as a helping hand to my industry friends. It wasn’t asked for, but is extended nonetheless. I just want to stop the disappointment of the expensive launches being blown, and for the shock and awe to return to launches.

Rather than being endlessly disappointed with leakage, I want for people to remember where they were when they saw a new product being launched. I want them to have the impact that they were designed to have. Because I know how much goes into creating the product and the launch around it.

P.S. Just reach out if you need help with this kind of thing.

The Old Owner
  1. Avocado toast-munching PR hipsters: “But… but I thesaurus’d for DAYS to achieve full buzzword synergy in this carefully-crafted press release!!1! *triggered* I need to trim my beard with my emotional support scissors, request 2 weeks off!”

    Aging marketing directors who haven’t touched anything related to making or playing music in the last 20 years: “It’s always been done this way, which is why we’ll keep doing it this way. This is the way. This is the way. This is the way.”

    Actual target audience: *cheers wildly*

  2. on a related note, shout out to the RESOLUME team for absolutely nailing it on every single e-mail that pops into my inbox. zero bullshit, straight to the point, always relevant, humorous, honest about the occasional mistake which is always promptly followed by a bugfix release (learn this, DJ industry, learn this! admit your mistakes! you make a LOT of them!), giving credit where it’s due, and overall definitely written by humans who really give a shit about what they’re doing and not corporate drones. absolute joy to behold, whitelisted forever. love.

  3. Hi, I’m the guy who leaked the XDJ-XZ info on instagram after taking a screenshot of the manuals & drivers downloads area of the Pioneer website, later that screenshot appeared in the linked article from DJTechtools, and in several other sites. In about 24 hours I received some emails and phone calls from them… I can’t discuss the content of the phone calls and emails, it was not anything menacing (I’m now retired from profesional writing about DJ & music technology because of health problems, but they know me well), but all I can say is that they were “surprised” that I got that info, because as being retired I did not received any previous info from them. If you are into that you know that Pioneer has a lot of problems leaving so much info in their website (and not only in the English area) days before their product launches, and it seems that problem is a little bit out of control. They also inform (as other brands do) to equipment shops at least two weeks before a launch, and there are too mucho people working at shops, they all are not going to keep their mouths closed. To be honest, some times it seems that they are trying to force a leak to generate more hype.
    As a profesional writer I’ve never agreed with the “embargoed content” policy that some brands keep. They tell you about a product some time before the launch, but you can’t say anything in return. If you break that, they will never sent you any info again. But if you are out of their “friendship ring” and you get the information on your own and publish it, they try to convince you to not to do that again, and in turn get you inside their “friendship ring”. Some time ago I leaked some information about Traktor and one of the NI big guys called mi boss and told him that “we broke the standard non-written rule of not publishing embargoed content”, we laughed at that because they never sent us embargoed content, so we did not broke anything. They did not even know who was in their mailing lists.
    Of course, another related problem of this policy is when some brand is paying advertising banners in your web, because then they can cancel any future campaign. So, where is the freedom of the press? We finally get limited by their marketing campaigns, they want to take control of all what is said about a product, they only want nice words in the launch time because if the people get the info time before the launch, when the product arrives to stores people can decide they don not need it, or maybe they realize that it is not exactly what they wanted. If the info is released under a controlled marketing campaign and with the message of “It is now available at stores!! Run and get it!!”, many people will go to buy it thinking that is the perfect product because the only available info is the one controlled by the brand. If you follow their rules, maybe they will buy advertising banners, they will send you the embargoed info, and the press release note the day the product launches, and they will also sent you a demo unit for some weeks to write and publish a review. But if you break their rules, you will have your press freedom, but in turn they will try to ignore you.
    In the end, this business is not fair at all. And that is so sad…

    1. It really says a lot about a brand when a tiny bit of critique is enough to remove a media outlet from their mailing list. That being said, there are exceptions. One of my very critical reviews (I won’t say which) was actually met with a handshake and a “thank you” at a trade show a few months afterwards. I was genuinely surprised because I really didn’t hold back. “Ehm… are we talking about the same review? You know I tore you a new one, right?” – “Yeah. You did. We printed your review and handed it to product development unedited, it was very valuable feedback”.

      But doing that, and admitting it face-to-face, takes some serious balls. A rare thing then, virtually nonexistent now, and the ultimate reason why I haven’t reviewed a whole bunch of things I really wanted to get my teeth into.

      Insert the Desert Eagle scene from “Snatch” and Tony Montana’s cockroach bit from “Scarface” here.

    2. I do NOT mean to take anything away from your point which seems genuine and accurate but I am very curious what kind of health problems could keep one from writing? Main reason for asking is we need more like yourself on the front-lines who are not afraid of letting the cat out of the bag in a hard way!!!

    3. Don’t you feel like an asshole leaking information though? Imagine all the people who worked on a project only waiting for it to be announced and then you go and ruin that. You’ve taken away their xcitement and feeling of accomplishment only to get yourself money and ad clicks. You should be ashamed.

        1. Yes. They folded him up into a little box with the Denon logo on the side. Then they placed him under a blanket to make a cameo in Luke’s VLog. They are currently cloning miniature versions of Rik. They will be on sale for $999 in all digital shops the day after Hanukkah is over.

  4. Pioneer can you give a bit more notice of your new products? Keeping it secret isn’t helpful at all. A few years ago I bought a Denon thing, and a week later a new Pioneer was in the shops I would have bought instead of the Denon if I knew a week earlier. .

    1. Perhaps for someone else, the announcement was a week before they were going to buy a new unit. You see now that they have to pick a date and launch, because it will always be the wrong time for someone somewhere.

  5. If every press release was as enjoyable as your parody one I might actually read them. Jean Le Bóss and those forum people caused some serious giggles over here.

    I have the same problem with manuals btw and I can´t decide what is less enjoyable/more boring to read: some fancy words from a PR person that most likely has no connection to the product itself but wants to sell it as the next step in evolution of life in general. Or some super technical wording from people who most likely spend too much time with the product as the opposite extreme. If I want in-depth info and how to´s that I understand and enjoy I usually watch videos or refer to sites like this.

  6. I definitely agree regarding press releases. Way too many of them are filled with boring stuff nobody cares about. Truth be told, the parody one you wrote is the first one I’ve read from top to bottom in five or six years.

    Computer hardware ones are terrible, especially from MSI, although Asus has started getting almost as bad. Six to eight pages, sometimes even more, and most of it is pictures of something random, seemingly unrelated, but part of their branding. Just show me a pic of the darn thing, tell me what it is in bullet form, and WHY I should want your dragon covered thing that for some reason will cost $1,200 CAD when the previous generation’s top end was only $850 CAD…

  7. Solid advice, Mark. Makes absolute sense to every point. There is nothing turning me off as quick as the announcement as the time for me to get my hand on the launch product. Attention span is short. Remain interested is even shorter.

    1. Oh I was invited, but had just been booked to do a non-DJ video shoot. And now social media means that we no longer get ad support from the industry, I have to go where the money is to keep this place running. Besides, I’m uncomfortable with all expenses paid trips, and would have declined anyway.

      I watched it — excellent discussion. Even if I had gone, I would have given a flat no to sitting in on that. I write, and will happily leave the talking head stuff to the established influencers.

  8. So we’re mid-inMusic NAMM product announcements, and so far we’ve had serious leakage. Everything I have from Denon DJ and Rane in PR form has to some degree (from just names to entire campaigns) has leaked. Again.

    There are a number of versions of this quote, but I like this version: “Once is a mistake. Twice is a decision”.

    1. Not sure which approach works better.

      -Teasing for weeks, leaking, and having the actual product in stores three months later (at best).
      -Releasing a promo video and having stuff available the same day.


  9. How about not releasing products that aren’t ready ??/ Seems to be a lot of that – don’t show off somethign that isn’t finished, Apple has learned this the hard way – so be like Apple, until it’s ready to ship and all the bugs are out and your software is ready – leave it out. Stuff used to only come out every 3-4 years, this yearly BS is getting boring, take your time and do stuff right – if it’s not ready then don’t release it.