VIDEOS: NXS2 Basics tutorials from Pioneer DJ

VIDEOS: NXS2 Basics tutorials from Pioneer DJ

Tuesdays suck. As a day, it’s far enough from the weekend to render that a distant memory, but the next weekend is still further away than the old one. But the sun is cracking the cobbles outside the office, and I’m in a remarkably chipper mood. So I’ve decided to look kindly upon an ever so nice request from Pioneer DJ’s new UK PR peeps and showcase a new series of tutorials called “NXS2 Basics“, a name that requires little explanation from me. Should have called them NXS2-torials though.

VIDEOS: NXS2 Basics tutorials from Pioneer DJ

It’s fair to say that the DJM-900NXS2 and CDJ-2000NXS2 are far from basic, but giving some insight into how they work on a more fundamental level always helps break down the walls.

You can watch the NXS2 Basics playlist on Youtube, or casually browse them all here: