Newly launched Gearogs gets a Discogs style marketplace

When music marketplace Discogs announced their new Gearogs database, I pondered why they would do such a thing. Knowing how much resource a simple database takes to set and maintain, let alone opening it up to the public and policing the potential torrent of incorrect information and pure spam, I did wonder what the real reason was for setting up such a thing. Like the dreaded exposure, altruism doesn’t pay the bills. And now the reason has become apparent — Gearogs now has a marketplace attached, officially making it the Discogs of gear, which was probably the plan all along.

It’s early days yet, but you can browse the database here, and check out what’s for sale here. It lacks polish right now, but has the signs of being something useful.

As to the bottom line — the seller FAQ shows an 8% fee up to maximum of $300. And although the eBay listing price menu is complex, this is somewhat cheaper than eBay which is 10% up to a maximum of $750.

Given the centralised nature, it should be easier to find that specialised piece of gear in one place. Sadly, no Vestax VRX-2000 vinyl cutter seller listings just yet, as that would require a Vestax VRX-2000 to be in the database. But I imagine that there will be a glut of more popular items for sale, but my hope is that harder to get items will get listed here too. I also hope that it becomes more of a community private sale thing than just another place for stores to pimp their new and old stock.