Skratchloop iOS looper: Win 5 app store codes!

Apple’s diverse range of iOS devices has enabled a cottage industry to spring up in every corner of the world. Anyone with a developer account and an idea can spread their wares across the planet in return for a trickle or indeed torrent of income. Skratchloop from DJ Hard Rich is one such small app for DJs — turntablists have used Flash loopers for years, and this is the iOS equivalent, but with an ultrapitch control built in.

It very closely follows the established format for loopers, but also adds a ±50% pitch control (I’d like to see key lock too). The developers have very kindly given up 5 codes to give away to some probably grateful happy scratchers.

How To Win Skratchloop

Given that it’s a 69p app, there’s nothing especially complex about the competition — simply leave a reason why you should win an app store code in the comments, and the winners will be those with the most up-votes (you do all know that you can vote on comments and news stories right?).

skratchloop ios ipad android

If however you just can’t wait for that ±50% action and find the 69p is burning a hole in your baggy saggy pocket, why not pop along to the app store and contribute to the fledgling skratchloop empire.