If you’re going to make a DJ announcement, make it a magnificent one. And for a DJ show like BPM 2017, announcing that DJ Jazzy Jeff is going to headlining the Sunday night afterparty is about as magnificent as it gets.
It is customary for PR to be accompanied by bios and PR pics, but if you don’t know who Jazzy Jeff is and what he’s done by now then I can only assume that you’ve rejected society and lived in a cave for 30 years. Yes he’s that guy off of Fresh Prince, scratch pioneer, and all round bloody brilliant DJ and producer. And should you choose to attend BPM 2017 (22-23 October 2017 at the Genting Arena, NEC, Birmingham), and stick around after the show’s doors close on the Sunday night, you’ll be able to watch him and others perform. Speaking of which…
As ever, there are early bird tickets for the show. Like last year, there are three tiers:
Obviously you can turn up on the day, but it’ll be more expensive and you’ll have to queue. Don’t say you haven’t had enough notice — it’s still three months away. No excuses. Time to come out of that cave and find out who Jazzy Jeff is.
You can grab tickets right here.

I can state for the record that we’ll definitely be there, The first thing we’re involved in is the Portablist Lounge, a coalition of portablist-related people and companies coming together to hang out, scratch, and generally portablise to promote the burgeoning scene. Full details of that are coming next week.
Beyond this we’re not too sure yet. We’ll be on the floor in some capacity though. More on that when we’ve decided. But between now and the show doors opening, I’ll be posting all manner of BPM related stuff.