VIDEO: Tiesto, Acer, and Virtual DJ

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I’m sure many of us have been here — filling in for the talent when they absolutely must relieve themselves. But I’m not too sure that it happens that often with Tiesto. But that’s the premise of this new video from Acer showing off their Acer Aspire P3 Ultrabook. Vernon, the hapless assistant is required to fill Tiesto’s shoes who accidentally takes crowd surfing to the next level, and only has his handy Ultrabook to do it with. I’m not going to lie — even as a dedicated Mac guy, that’s a tidy looking lump of tackle.

So the moral of this story is that you only need a computer to do what Tiesto does… oh wait that’s not it. Is it? Tiesto doesn’t even touch the Acer, which is a very odd endorsement indeed.