novation launchpad mk2

VIDEO: Buddy Peace on the Launchpad MK2. Wait what?

Yay — another Novation Launchpad based routine, this time from “drumthumb” Buddy Peace. And it’s a good one of course, but it’s only on closer inspection that things become clearer. For this is not a demo for something that you’ve seen before, but is a sequel to the original Launchpad. Behold the Novation Launchpad MK2.

While we wait for PR, the Novation site has been updated with the latest detail. Bar some cosmetic updating of the unit and the transport buttons, everything else seems to be much the same. The big change however is/are the RGB buttons. De rigueur these days, instead of a fixed spectrum the new Launchpad will be able to offer all the colours of the rainbow that your favourite software (in this case Ableton Live Lite that’s bundled) throws out.

novation launchpad mk2

Outside of that, I can’t see anything earth shatteringly new, but RGB pads is big enough on its own, even for existing users. And the £129 price tag is cheap enough for people to take a punt, although with the Launchpad range about to supplemented with the Launchpad Pro any day now, the choice of button-laden pad bashing hardware is wide, with something to offer people with both features based and financial needs.