Turntables were most definitely hurt making this video

Turntables were most definitely hurt making this video

[youtube id=”5haFnmvCIzE”]

My general experience of vinyl and turntables is that many treat them with care, almost to the point of reverence. It’s not unusual to see hardcore collectors handle vinyl with gloves. If you are one of those people, look away now. This old video has just hit the social media timelines, and is essentially a purist’s nightmare. It’s beyond steampunk and feels like the turntables met the Human Centipede in Silent Hill. I’ve watched this a few times now, and I still have no idea what I’ve witnessed.

Turntables were most definitely hurt making this video

Turntablism has provided a handful of incidents of turntable and vinyl abuse over the years. DMC competitions have seen incidents of what was considered to be ultra-violence metered out on expensive competition ready gear, but nothing quite as disturbing as this clip. Thanks (I think) to arkaei for providing nightmares for many readers of DJWORX, and for providing a rare WTF moment.

Feel free to add similar videos in the comments. Consider this the turntable orgy of violence thread.