TEASER: Mixed In Key — from utility to pro software

mixed in key dj software teaser

Realising the importance of harmonic mixing, Mixed In Key established itself as the preeminent force in this emerging field, to the point where every other piece of DJ software does, to some degree, address this particular setting-teeth-on-edge issue. But not content with just sitting on the sidelines being nothing more than a trusty sidekick to the big boys, Mixed In Key has announced its intentions to eat at the grown-ups table. Behold a teaser from their Facebook page.

Right now, all anyone has is this image plus comment from Mixed In Key staffers on the Facebook page. So picking through what they say:

  • Fully midi mappable, with compatibility at launch for many popular controllers including Pioneer and “all Native ones”.
  • Combined Mac/PC license with identical functionality. I’m guessing no Linux because there’s no money in it.
  • No word on when it’s due, but has been used live by Mixed In Key people and “worked flawlessly”
  • No plans to support video
  • CDJ support planned, but initially it’s standalone controllers and mouse/keyboard
  • Timecode is classed as legacy. No plans for support.
  • An all new beat grid that’s “not like Serato or Traktor”.
  • Mixed in Key 6 built-in, and will continue to work on its own.
  • 500 beta invites going out next week.

The screenshot itself is a tad sparse on detail. I’d say it’s most likely heavily redacted to keep the cool new toys private until they’re ready to show off a little. But by the sounds of it, the Mixed In Key team have had a long hard look at how DJs work and the tools they use, and tried to things differently. “We made something more exciting and interesting than a two-deck DJ app. It’s not djay, Serato, Traktor or even Ableton Live. You’ll see exactly what I mean when it goes public” they said. How differently remains to be seen though, and if DJs will adapt to different. You’re quite a conservative lot when you want to be.

It’s far too early to pass judgement on this software based on few simple comments, and time will tell if this move is genius or folly. But it’s a crowded market with established software with decade-long pedigrees. Looking forward to next week’s Facebook bun fight for betas.