Rekord Buddy 2 finally hits public beta

rekord buddy 2 public beta

The African Elephant (Loxodonta Africana) has a gestation period of 22 months. The Black Alpine Salamander is knocked up for 2-3 years. and the Frilled Shark can be in the family way for a full 3.5 years. And then there is Rekord Buddy 2, which to date has been on the way for a full 11 years. I jest of course, but it would seem that the fabled and near mythical music library management software is finally at a point where the masses can get hold of it in the form of a public beta.

Do you have questions? Here are a few already pre-answered:

I was interested to read the one about the beta being a paid for app. It’s discounted, and the licence extends right through to the full release version. I like the logic that only hardcore users who really want to help make Rekord Buddy 2 as perfect as possible on release.

So it seems that the actual release day is imminent. No really…