Hands off Pioneer’s Future DJ concept. Literally.

Hands off Pioneer's Future DJ concept. Literally.

Every manufacturer at some point dabbles with some left field ideas. And sometimes this foolishness actually changes the way things work. Pioneer DJ (for that is what they are now) entirely changed the game once before with the CDJs. And after a number of other hand-on gear revolutions in DJing that they we’re involved in, they seem to be dipping their toe in new tech once again, but this time it’s decidedly hands off.

Pioneer DJ future DJ gesture concept
I’m glad the Pioneer Future DJ concept is gesture controlled because I wouldn’t put my hands on that filthy thing.

Ceatec 2014 held in Tokyo played host to the latest and greatest from the world of tech. The BBC amongst others was there to cover the event, and alongside the usual curiosities that are unlikely to be seen outside of Japan anytime soon, this Pioneer “Future DJ” concept was also on show. Looking like a cross between Leapmotion and Wipeout/Tempest, this appears to be taking DJing into a simplified near gaming sphere where single gestures allow you to select and play tracks, and your other hand controls effects.

Hands off Pioneer's Future DJ concept. Literally.Hands off Pioneer's Future DJ concept. Literally.

For all we know, it might be a Leapmotion in a fancier box (I doubt it though), and it seems to be a clear case of throwing stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks. Time has shown that DJs don’t take to kindly to using anything but hand-on techniques — even touch technologies have had a rough ride in the scene. So I’m not sure how an entirely hands-off methodology will be received. That said, I always welcome some boundary pushing as it encourages fresh thinking that can bring smart news ways of doing things, or at least cherry-picking the best bits of crazy ideas and turning them into something practical.

Obviously we’ll post more on this should anything arrive, but I suspect it’ll be a while before this concept turns into anything real.


Top image courtesy of wearabletechnologies.co.uk
Other images courtesy of BBC Click (iPlayer link)

Big thanks to Sam Randell for the original BBC Click link too.