The One 1.2: Tweaks and fixes

Audio Artery The One 1.2 (2)

We covered the official release of the fabled One DJ/performance/production/remix/dry-cleaning software a few months ago. Audio Artery are back with version The One 1.2, a major point release worth shouting about. So, what’s new?

Straight from the horse’s mouth:

  • usability improvements (for example cue markers and overview gear numbering)
  • several midilearn fixes
  • several crash fixes that cover many different areas:fixes to retreiving id tags from files
    • decoding audio
    • detecting beats (updated zPlane aufTAKT)
    • analyzing collections
    • library operations
  • several optimizations (both in graphics and in audio engine)
  • iTunes fixes
  • several new mappings (device support)
  • snap to grid fixes
  • drag & drop improvements
  • library improvements
  • tap improvements
  • layout fixes

So what did I think of it?

Since it was first announced, the concept of the One DJ software piqued my interest. The potential and flexibility of the modular system seems like a nerdy dream. After what seemed like a very long wait, the software is maturing nicely. With something like this, it will live or die on the accessibility of the UI and how the routing works. Thankfully, my brief playthrough showed a TARDIS of options with so much potential… certainly more than you can understand in an hour!

Audio Artery The One 1.2 (1)

At the moment, the software still suffers from crashes on older Apple hardware. I have a 2010 MacBook Pro (7,1) running on a Core2Duo processor, which One seems to struggle on. Strangely, there don’t seem to be any such issues on older Windows-based gear. The site helpfully suggests sticking to an i3 processor or higher, meaning those of us on older Apple computers may get frustrated. Still, I suggest you grab the demo and give it a blast.

[vimeo id=”77589071″]

If you’re still not convinced, Audio Artery have a bunch of videos showing off the various features, along with a promotional video for this newest version showing off the mashup and editing features.

We will try to have a proper review of the software once the frequency of updates stabilize. The development team seem to be working hard and fast adding new features and taking in feedback from users. I just hope they call version two ‘The One Neo’… it would be rude not to.