I literally love books. Thanks to my parents (world-class leather bookbinders), they’re part of my DNA, (books and parents). And while my head is always turned by new shiny, a new book about said shiny is even more likely to induce whiplash. So I’m incredibly happy to see that Kim Bjørn’s “Push Turn Move” book hit Kickstarter, and be funded in no time at all.
The book is essentially… well it’s easier to copy/paste:
My name is Kim Bjørn and welcome to the PUSH TURN MOVE Kickstarter campaign!
Like many others I have been following the development of music technology for years. As those years passed, I began to imagine combining my interest for design with my love of gear – in order to write a comprehensive book about interface design in electronic music.
PUSH TURN MOVE shows all kinds of equipment but the ambition goes further: It provides a categorization of musical gear and software and explores the functional, artistic and aesthetic world of user interfaces in the context of making electronic music.
Initially the book was born out of my own passion. However it has now developed into a multi-voiced project since it presents the diverse thoughts of a long list of innovative makers, artists and companies who conceived or use these great music making tools.
Quite unique is that a string of significant brands have joined the book side by side to share their knowledge about the growing family of instruments and software for making electronic music.
So what exactly is PUSH TURN MOVE and why do we seek funding on Kickstarter? The answer is that PUSH TURN MOVE is a niche book, not aimed at a mainstream audience. Watch the video, take the tour below and please support the book by selecting a reward if you like the idea.
Kim Bjørn, Copenhagen, April 2017
Basically, Push Turn Move distills many years of industrial design and user experience into one slab of 10″ square knowledge. It’s a painstakingly researched book, and is obviously a result of a true passion for making music. This is likely to become a goto resource for a great many people wanting to get into this industry.
I’ve just lost $450 backing a Kickstarter project that was well funded but will never see the light of day, so I’ve become somewhat picky about what I back. But this one is a no-brainer for me, and given that it’s almost three times funded in a matter of hours, I look forward to thumbing through this when it arrives.