DJs — what have you asked Father Christmas for this year?

dj christmas gifts

Every year at about this time, editors task an intern a valued member of the team to research the big wide world of retail to arrive at a list of suggestions for gifts that their nearest and dearest can stuff in their stockings in Christmas Eve. But it struck me that instead of one person’s take on what DJs should ask for, we should throw the question open to the hive mind of the DJWORX community. OK we don’t have interns, and I doubt any of the team would relish trawling the usual haunts to pull out a list of cost effective pressies. So let’s flip the script, turn the tables, and get you lot to crank out a list of last-minute ideas for everyone.

What DJ related thingumajigs are you looking to find under your Christmas tree? Have you made subtle hints about certain affordable items? Let a magazine open at the right page? Perhaps you’ve moaned incessantly for the last few months about how far behind the times your 12 month old product is. Or possibly you’ve Secret Santa’d yourself with a lump of nextlevelness. Are there any gifts that you would disown the well intentioned giver for?

Off you go then. And by all means feel free to pimp your own wares if it serves as a good idea. And with that, I’d better put Worxmas together. No I haven’t forgotten you. ;)