Let’s end the week with a DJ masterclass, but with a unique difference. DJ Nu-mark swung by the DJ City studio in LA and started to do what he does, but at about 15 minutes in, he’s removes a platter and in its place… well just watch.
That is a Triple Inchophone. Made by Japanese company 8-Ball Bandai, dedicated vinyl geek Jack White decided to reissue some of his old White Stripes material in a unique way. Thus he commissioned then to make a limited number (400 or 1000 from research) special edition 3″ record players, and a very limited number of 3″ singles to go with them. They’re pretty rare these days, but do come up on eBay sometimes. My finger did briefly hover over the buy button on this particular beauty, but I have no need for things I won’t use.
Obviously, Nu-mark is well connected and has found someone who can cut custom Serato 5″ disks very neatly into into 3″ ones, and seems to handle them as if they were regular 12s. But funky technology aside, this set is amazing — eclectic and most excellently performed despite the obvious issues of working with such small platters and vinyl.
So… who’s going to get one and graft a fader into it? Suddenly Handy Trax look enormous.