While DJWORX is totally focussed on providing the very best in DJ gear news, it’s also interesting for regular readers to follow the progress of our little establishment, from sofa to kitchen table to home office, and now to the ohsolovely worxlab. Followers on Facebook and Instagram will have seen the very gallery-like space get its first proper decoration. And today the very iconic Charlie Brown “buying records cheers me up” strip showing Schroeder and Sally has been finished, and I bloody love it.
This task was completed by Phil Jennings, and ably assisted by my daughter/intern Hatty. It’s a simple but time consuming process of projecting the image onto the wall, tracing over it with pencil, and then filling in with paint. The tracing took a day, and the painting was about 4 days. The quality is excellent, and perhaps a touch of orange might be added to the clothes to bring it on-brand.
It’s the first thing you see when you walk into the worxlab, and is quite stunning. But aside from being a very cool thing to have directly painted on the wall, it’s the message that makes this incredibly popular online. I’m generally a happy chappy, but fresh vinyl never fails to make me happier still. Just so you know, the last vinyl I bought was this week — Omar’s “The Man”, which is nothing short of excellent.
I do have a lot of wall space to fill, and plan to do it with my own photos, pieces of DJ history, and some more murals too.
Further worxlab updates will appear sporadically. And if any of you international visitors are passing through the UK around BPM time, feel free to stop by.