ICE Headshell (1)

Broken tonearm? You should put an ICE on that


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Posted by DJ’s Dream Customs on Friday, 28 August 2015

We all know that DJ booths can be a bit of a war zone. They’re at least a bit dusty, sometimes stickier than is comfortable, and almost certainly smelly. But it’s when you walk up to the gear and it looks like a scrap metal dealers that you know your evening is going to be interesting. And I’m sure that some of you have come across allegedly bullet proof turntables turning but nothing coming out. Well what you need is an ICE headshell from DJ’s Dream Customs.

ICE Headshell (2)

Basically instead of passing audio through the tonearm and out through the RCAs, the ICE headshell can bypass the tonearm completely and feed audio right into the back of the mixer.

Obvious first impressions — you’re going to have to be careful with the cable and weight adjustment, but last the video shows, performance doesn’t seem to be compromised at all.

No word yet on pricing, but I’m sure that will become apparent closer to release.

ICE Headshell (1)

The big question is this — is that white Pioneer PLX-1000 a custom (DDC are a custom shop after all), or a cheeky sneak peek of the future?

UPDATE 1: The above white PLX is a DDC custom with built-in Dicers. See here.

UPDATE 2: Pre-orders for the ICE here.