A&H Xone:2D and Xone:DX get macOS Sierra updates

We have a new short news section on the homepage for stories of interest in other outlets, and for those that are a tad too short to make into a full story. And ordinarily a quick snippet about a software update would be relegated to this section. But Allen & Heath releasing macOS Sierra updates for their xone:2D and xone:DX controllers is worth of a slightly larger mention.

It’s great that A&H have issued Sierra updates. What makes this notable is that both the xone:2D and xone:DX are discontinued products. There was no real obligation on the part of A&H to support products that they no longer sell, but they did anyway. And we take our collective hats off to that level of support.

For xone:2D drivers macOS: Click here

For xone:DX drivers macOS: Click here