arkaei ray traktor machine learning AI

[VIDEO] April Fool ends up with Traktor possessed by… something…

Our Ray is quite the dabbler. And being in the VIP elite testing crew, he’s got access to new versions of Traktor Scratch Pro that the rest of us mere mortals don’t (not empty words — I don’t have it yet).

But he may have dabbled one step too far, and has uncovered some undocumented/secret/supernatural type stuff. Watch as Ray explains how we were going to do an April Fool called “Yondu Mode”, but instead uncovered… something very cool indeed.

I suggest you watch the intro first (yes, “Yondu Mode” actually works), but it’s the rest of the video (starting at about 5 minutes in) that is the most interesting. Nutshell version — Ray has unleashed the deepest parts of his frontal lobe (probably fuelled buy his trademark coffee) and created something quite amazing using a future version of Traktor Scratch Pro. Think Jazzy Jeff’s scratch pads on steroids Ray’s trademark coffee.

Ergo, what you see is real, and Ray walks you through every step of it in great detail. But what’s actually going on? Speculation ahoy via deniers, wild guessers, and educated reasoners in 3… 2… 1…