First there was the rumour, then the semi-official bankruptcy news, and then came yesterday’s wonderful post from the former president of the company. But new word has emerged from Vestax’s US distributor that confirms what I’ve wanted to share for ages — while Vestax as we know it may well be over, a new Vestax is about to emerge.
Gerard Cohen from Mixware has just sent this out to the industry, and here it is for you to read:
“The bankruptcy procedure was a necessary first step into the rebuilding of Vestax Japan and Vestax brand. Measures, engineering team, new product designs and financial support are already in place to support the rebuilding process and more information will be published by Vestax Japan during the course of the first semester 2015.
This process will definitely take some time before the first new Vestax products reach the worldwide markets but we’re confident that once again under the leadership of its original founders, Vestax will soon reemerge as a strong innovative brand as it has always been.”
Again, while IÂ was aware of the fuller picture, this was news for Vestax to tell. I did try to hint at bankruptcy not being the very end of the road for Vestax, and now the good news is out that it actually isn’t. Now, what form new Vestax will take is unknown. I have seen drawings but I don’t know if what I’ve seen will be made, nor am I going to tell you what I’ve seen either.
As far as the original founders goes, they mean Hidesato Shiino, a figure always there in the background but now back front and centre of the original Vestax name that he founded in 1977. So the first three months or so will hopefully see Vestax reborn and ready to take on the challenges of the modern DJ era. And we’re very happy to be able to report that too, as I suspect a great many of our readers are too. Fingers crossed for some cool new products and ideas from the new Vestax.