Terminal Mix 4 - DJ Angelo says it's in shops now (video)

Terminal Mix 4 – DJ Angelo says it's in shops now (video)

While some are probably still wiping the froth away from their mouths at yesterday’s Shortkut demo, another similar video blipped on my radar today. This time, it’s my airport loitering Fanta drinking mate DJ Angelo, casting aside his usual turntables for Reloop’s new Terminal Mix 4 controller.

I’m happy to see that while this does have Angelo’s trademark turntablism leanings, he also puts the rest of it to good use too. And considering he’s only using 2 of the 4 channels available via Serato’s entry level DJ Intro software, he puts in a sterling performance. I have to smile though – the low profile platters make this look like a 2 plate mini hob in this video. But DJ Angelo seems to cook up a storm… I cannot believe I just cracked that joke. In my defence, it is 3am here.

The point of the video? It’s just to let you know that the Terminal Mix 4 is in the shops now. They could just have told you that, but thought a slice of quality DJing would demonstrate the point much more concisely. And thanks to Mixware‘s distribution, Reloop gear should be breaking out of their native Germany and heading out into US retailers in the next couple of weeks.

Our review is done – just need to get the unit in the worxlab for pics and a second opinion. You’ll be pleased to hear that the first one however seems to be very favourable.