Technics Reborn — new site and new products

Technics Reborn — new site and new products

Picking up on the news we ran a couple of weeks ago, it would appear that the rumours are true — Technics is coming back. This news started with a tweet from @Digital_Day via @vigorsolair who posted a picture of a Technics press conference at IFA 2014 in Berlin. Being the studious news hound that I am, I soon discovered that was alive, kicking, and rocking an all new website. Digging deeper, it’s clear that original story was bang on, and Technics is being relaunched as a high-end pro audio dream site, that has a distinct lack of turntables.

UPDATE: Panasonic has posted a video.

Technics Reborn — new site and new products
Calm yourself — this is a slide of old products that’s on the new website as well. Image © @Digital_Day on Twitter.

The original picture shows the Technics press conference in full swing. It’s worth pointing out that this slide shows old products, and is mirrored on the new Technics website. This does not mean 1200s are coming back, and there are no turntables on the site either.

Technics Reborn — new site and new products

What is on the site is an overall message that Technics has always been a prestigious brand , and that quality is being built upon with a small range of very high spec hifi separates that basically look like an audiophile’s wet dream. There’s everything you need… well almost everything. Conspicuous by its absence is a turntable, and given the 1200’s pro audio (not DJ) heritage, it’s not beyond the realms of reason that a turntable may be added at some point. But that’s pure speculation based on no facts or even rumours.

No official word on pricing of such things, but they look insanely expensive, and most probably fall outside of the scope of the DJWORX core readership. I just like to post these things before the “OMG 1200s is bak” rumours start. So yes, Technics is back, but it’s a high-end consumer hi-fi brand selling separates and not DJ gear.

Check out the web designer’s dream but user’s nightmare of a site over at