SHOWCASE: Cut Man Doo on the reels of steel

Inspired by the stellar performance from DJ Zeke this week, we’ve decided to do a weekly showcase, where we trawl the corners, nooks and crannies of the net looking for interesting uses of technology. They could be DJs smashing short sets using technology to the max, or somewhat left-field affairs, such as this from Cut Man Doo.

Various tape wielding DJs have come along, and this is not new by any means, but none have quite nailed the precision and near perfect emulation of hardcore vinyl techniques. Close your eyes and listen — it’s uncannily good. I wish I could cut like that on vinyl. Perhaps I should switch.It’s very impressive though. I can only imagine how long it took to perfect this technique, but I’m glad he did.

Big thanks to Billy Jam for bringing Cut Man Doo to my attention. Expect more showcases from the growing and diverse world that is DJing.