Serato DJ – The Video

Serato DJ - What's new?

After the initial secrecy surrounding exactly what Serato DJ might look like, they finally released screenshots of just what goodies it was bringing to us. But nothing quite explains the feel of something like a video. So that’s exactly what Serato have done in bite-sized chunks via a 4 minute and 49 second clip.

Here it is:

Now I could do the equivalent of close captions and replicate everything that was said in the clip, but that’s just wasted effort. Watch it for yourself, and if you want to get more of an idea of what Serato DJ will feel like, you can now grab v1 via the the Serato site and try out the offline mode.

Sorry ITCH DJ Intro controller users – don’t be expecting any early action. You’re going to have to wait until the long list of controllers have one by one been enabled. We’ll obviously be only too happy to let you know as and when that happens.