REVIEW: Akai MPC Renaissance

Akai MPC Renaissance

While DJs are all about playing other people’s music, it’s becoming a bit of a pre-requisite at a certain level to be able to create and perform your own. Production tools are becoming a permanent fixture in many DJ’s arsenal, and the grandaddy of all such things for DJs is the venerable MPC range. And while we’ve all had our heads turned by NI’s Maschine (with very good reason), the MPC is fighting back. At the top of their food chain is the new MPC Renaissance – a beast of a beat maker that stays true to its self contained roots, but also adopts a new computer based workflow.

Now while I’m waxing lyrically about this gargantuan groove box, I’ve only ever prodded at one at trade shows. The honour of reviewing falls to our man Chris Cartledge, who spent a serious amount of time with one for his own Oh Drat Digital site. So instead of copying and pasting, or even rewording, it’s just a lot easier to pop off over to read his detailed review and leave your comments over there. Show some love for our comrade.