Nifty little app: Traktor DJ Charts

traktor dj chart app
Although it’s not immediately obvious, Traktor remembers quite a lot, including what music you’ve played. This can be quite useful when trying to remember your hazy set from last night, but some clever dude has taken it to the next level (as we like to see on DJWORX: nextlevelness). Taking your history, along with the fact Traktor also keeps a record of how many plays your tunes have had, Tomash GHz has created a Java applet that builds a pretty front end to display your monthly “chart”.

It’s a very simple idea, but one that could be useful for working DJs that want to get their playlists noticed. The applet is pretty simple to set up: On Windows, just edit the XML file to point at where your Traktor history folder is, and run the app… On OS X, run the app and tell it where to look for the folder. The applet does its thing and… voila!

Wouldn’t it be nice if…

Since there’s not a huge amount to play with or talk about, it got me thinking what I’d like if v2. I’d love to be able to export as some sort of markup, or embedded code that can be added to a web page. Hell, why not have a WordPress plugin that uploads the markup and adds it to a news post? Social sites? Some way of projecting it onto a screen? I love the idea of this. To be honest, it should be built in to Traktor, really. Roll on Traktor Pro 3?