Pioneer DJ ddj-400-n ddj-sb3-s limited edition controller

Limited edition respray for the Pioneer DJ DDJ-400 and DDJ-SB3

In quieter times, Pioneer DJ has a habit of pushing out limited runs of firm favourites in different colourways. And in what can only be classed as the quietest of times in recent memory, Pioneer DJ has got a couple of repaints on the cards for the DDJ-SB3 and DDJ-400 controllers. 

I’ve been sent reams of PR for both units, that uncharacteristically I’m not going to reproduce here because the message is quite clear:

  • The DDJ-SB3-S is a limited run of all silver costing $249.
  • The DDJ-400-N is a limited run of black with gold trim $249.
  • They’re only available in selected shops (or stores in this case) in Asia Pacific, USA, and Latin America. 

So living in the UK i.e. the second biggest DJ market, I cannot buy one of these. So that’s the end of this article. Harsh but fair. So go about your business — there’s nothing left to say anyway.

Oh… I do love the gloriously retro stylings of the DDJ-400-N. It reminds me of those old Technics mixers.