Friday Fun: Junglator now free, plus NOiZE beta

junglator free iOS

We’ve covered the iOS app Junglator in Friday Fun previously, and I’m not saying we’re the key to the app’s success, but they were not only shortlisted for a “2014 UK Mobile & App Design Award”, but they managed to score themselves a gong in the “Music and Performance” category.

“Why is this important?”, I hear you ask? Well, the real winners are all of us – the users – as the developers, Studio Amplify, are making the app free to use… forever, “… as we want as many people as possible to experience it’s awesomeness!” quote/unquote.

The developers haven’t stopped the hard work, though, as many of the features present in Junglator will be in their new app, NOiZE, which will be out soon. Check out an early preview video below to see how it’s shaping up. We sat and watched this in the office and were very very impressed. My first thought was “can this be incorporated into a DJ set?”. Fingers crossed for an Android version.

[youtube id=”hzWPLXv3h_0″]

I urge you to watch the NOiZE video – the track is beautiful — Ed

Grab Junglator on the Apple App Store