EXPOSED! Wunderground in “attire not satire” scandal

wunderground attire not satire indiegogo t-shirts

Some alarming news surrounding the meteoric rise of leading investigative DJ media outlet Wunderground has come to light. After a solid run of in-depth coverage of the serious issues that really don’t matter in the EDM scene, it would appear that the entire Wunderground website is nothing more than a front, and is simply a clickbait vehicle for their new clothing line of 17 t-shirts in a range of edgy designs via a Indiegogo crowd source project.

This shocking news comes just a day after Wunderground lifted the lid on the massive scam allegedly being perpetrated by the DJ hardware industry. It seems that we’ve all been conned into thinking that DJing is a thing, but instead is just a shameless ploy to sell turntables and other gear that otherwise would have been left on the shelf. At this time, we are legally bound to neither confirm or deny that this may or may not be true.

We at DJWORX take a dim view of such shenanigans, and say this to Wunderground — people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. Maybe cake or an inflatable dingy, but definitely not anything that causes chaffing, as that would raise serious health and safety concerns.

Wunderground CEO Mikey Maguire was unavailable for comment, mainly if not entirely because we didn’t ask for one. But we suggest you take a look at Wunderground’s shameless hidden agenda in all its crowd funded glory and ironically express your revulsion by ordering a t-shirt, and one for a friend. That’ll teach the bastards a lesson.