dj sara ruysei

DJ Sara — now 16 and kicking your arse in a scratch battle

Turntablists know all about DJ Sara and her little brother Ryusei. When this video hit back in 2007, they were aged 8 and 5 respectively, and sent many of us back to the studio hoping that we weren’t really just put to shame by a couple of primary school kids. And then another video came out, followed by another and another and another, and it soon became clear that those of us who thought we had a modicum of talent would quite easily be schooled by children who wouldn’t even be allowed into the clubs that we play in.

This particular video is from 2012 showing DJ Sara practicing when she was just 13. But now DJ Sara is sweet 16, making everyone who has followed their progress feel reeeaaally old. And as the top video shows, she’s still schooling fools. So everyone, run along back to your turntables and practice. And before anyone dare to criticise, you’d better have your videos ready.

dj sara ruysei

Keep up the good work Sara. Looking forward to seeing future videos of you playing out to huge crowds.