BPM 2014: Korg Electribe demo with Mistabishi [VIDEO]

Continuing the music making theme (there are more DJ demos – just pushing them out in the order they were done) is the new Korg Electribe. It’s a sampler, sequencer, and MIDI controller with synth features and effects built in, as well as SD card capability. It’s a jack of all tricks and perfectly suited to a number of uses, so watch as James Pullen aka Mistabishi gives a basic but passionate walkthrough of the key features.

mistabishi electribe demo bpm 2014Even if music making isn’t your thing, it’s easy to appreciate how powerful the Electribe is. It’s a classic Korg unit – part this, part that, but offering a little something for everyone. It’s also easy to see why James is so passionate about it too — he was cradling his like a baby for the whole demo, which didn’t exactly make for easy filming either.