Big up Arkaei! — opening act at the Red Bull 3style final

As a small but diverse team, DJWORX covers a range of different styles and genres. I’m dead old and happiest spinning classic dance tunes on vinyl, but at the other end of the scale — perhaps the furthest reaches of that scale — is our Ray aka Arkaei. He’s steadily beavered away pushing every manner of DJ technology to the extremes with little regard to what you might think is cool or real DJing. And his steadfast devotion to his art has paid off, with official videos for a range of industry manufacturers, as well as a few battle titles under his belt too.

But this weekend sees him in his element, pushing a ridiculous amount of technology to the limits, and has landed himself the honour of being the opening act at the Red Bull 3style finals in Krakow this weekend. Yes, that’s the biggest DJ battle in the world, and Ray’s opening the whole finals. Wow.

Now when I say opening act, I’m not talking about a finalist. No, for he’s now in the leagues of being booked to perform, and will be showcasing his extreme DJing style with a plethora of tech that most of us can only dream of. Not Ray though, for when he dreams of possibilities, he sets his sights on turning it into a reality. His reality however is somewhere beyond the arbitrary lines DJs draw in the sand. He sees your lines in the sand, steps over them, and kicks it right back in your face, laughing.

We’re incredibly proud of Ray, and equally honoured that he choses to hang out around these parts. We haven’t heard much from him for the last month, other than the odd bout of stress and OMG moments of geeky wonder in our Slack channel. But rest assured, whatever he’s got lined up will be unlike anything you’ve seen at a DJ battle before.

Want proof? Watch the above video. Bloody well done Ray!