Rane seventy two v1.2 firmware

One point two for Rane Seventy Two — firmware that is

Back in the day when mixers were generic boxes of knobs and faders, you literally got what you paid for and nothing else. Now, a few seconds with a firmware upgrade, and your Rane Seventy Two‘s screen gets a heap of extra stuff to get gooey about. Firmware release v1.2 is here, and with it comes some very handy updates.

Read the following comprehensive list for the nitty gritty:


CUMBERLAND, RI USA (June 26, 2018)—Rane DJ (Rane), the established innovator in the DJ industry, noted for their standard-setting solutions coupled with unequalled reliability and customer service, today announced the immediate availability of their new version 1.2 firmware for the revolutionary SEVENTY-TWO mixer. The new firmware delvers many exciting new features and refinements that users have requested, which raises the overall performance of the SEVENTY-TWO to a significantly higher level.

Here’s a detailed look at the performance upgrades of Version 1.2:

  • Pad Modes are now viewable with a heads up on-screen display
    • By enabling this feature, users see what pad mode has been activated and the available features of each pad.  This is especially helpful in some of the new modes like fader effects and transport control.
    • By tapping on the top bar when you open, the pad mode will remain active until you change modes
    • This feature can also be disabled in mixer settings.
  • We have added an “On/Off” touch menu option for the scroll knob.
    • The scroll currently activates track selection view when touched.   Sometimes this is not desired, so now the knob can now be set to only activate on rotation
  • Screen improvements:
    • In order to see more or less waveform, waveforms now can be pinched or expanded to zoom in and out
    • While browsing song titles in Serato Long, song titles will now slide across the screen
    • Users can set the default view on mixer startup.  For instance, the view can be set to waveform when Serato is connected.
  • Filter knob effective range can be set by adding roll point adjustments
    • Moving the frequency roll-off points toward audible audio allows you to keep the bass/high when you sweep.
  • New menu options have been added to restore factory defaults for each area and master.
  • Tapping effects BPM is now easier with the option to use the Touch FX button as your Tap button in settings and not use two hands.   When in this mode, Shift + this button still enables touch FX.
  • Simple FX Beat divisors are now set by default.   The RANE Seventy Two Flex FX offers advanced beat divisors such as triples and dotted functions, similar to Serato. Various users have requested the ability to turn these off, so we now offer Simple Modes to remove triplet or dotted option from effects.
  • Refined Echo, Duck Echo and Hold Echo defaults to match 62 Echo sounds.
  • The paddles now flash when FX are active to ensure the user is aware of its mode.
  • Touch FX now show time-related effect parameters on X/Y screen for better control.
  • For advanced users, Beat Breaker patterns can now be edited on screen, enabling the user to create unique and complex beat breaks.
  • Users of the foot switch option will now find a momentary option has been added to support more peddles.
  • Microphone improvements:
    • Mic Echo Feedback is now BPM aligned to focused track.  This allows MCs to echo in time with a backing track.
    • Ducker Threshold levels of Low/Med/High with hold release time have been added.
  • “Vegas Mode” added—hold both BACK buttons during power-up.


We’ve had the Rane Twelve and Seventy Two in for a while now, and it’s high time we got on with the reviews. The Twelve is more or less done, and this release, just like the v1.1 before it sorts out a couple of niggles I’ve had. Best crack on then.

The firmware is available now for Windows and Mac, and the updated manual is here.