Meet the team here at DJWORX. Click on any of the profiles to see all posts by that author.
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I'm Paul the Editor of DJWORX. I took over from Mark at the beginning of 2024 to use my experience in my career and as a DJ to rebuild this iconic brand.I'm a DJ, podcaster and radio veteran, with a background in technology publishing. My speciality is early to mid 90s house and harder beats, I also play upfront house and techno. I'm a DJ tutor and also teach DJing in schools as well as running DJWORX.I've presented shows on commercial, pirate and DAB radio since 1991 and for the last 5 years on Eruption Radio, one of London's original pirates.
Tune in - Weds from Midday-2pm GMT via, DAB, smart speaker, app, Twitch/Mixcloud.Over the years I've played at clubs and festivals across the country, and I've never been busier than I was in 2024. I selectively choose to play at some corporate events and private parties as an open format DJ as well, as I love the challenge of having to make all ages dance.
I can often be found beatgridding and fiddling about with metadata as well as playing with the latest DJ tech.
The old Editor of DJWORX - you can now find Mark at WORXLAB
Darren now owns Isotonik Studios. He once thought it'd be a good idea to buy Ableton Live to create some perfect DJ Mixes, one day he'll resurface from that rabbit hole and actually produce a beat or two. Until then he's happy patching together devices in Max4Live that make the Live performers life that little bit easier...
Sean is also known as DJ Pegasus. Man of many hats, skills and talents ranging from computer support to software development to telephony and as diverse as live sound mixing, deejaying, public address, singing and vocal percussion. Decades of experience on all fronts including the professional writing and business management needed to channel it all.
Jared spends too much time staring at MIDI to have time to cut his hair or shave. He is also a DJ. He currently holds the record as the "Most Fired" at DJWorx, and is willing to challenge anyone to the title. He spends his time DJing in his office and releasing mixes on his website and mixcloud, as well as playing violent video games, reading books, and beginning to get involved in production.
ProfessorBX aka Drew Bach, prodigal son of the Skratchworx family. Down since day 5 (literally, check the review dates on the old Skratchworx archives). Owner of more gear than he knows what to do with, yet constantly jealous of Jared and Mark owning more. As a day job, ProfessorBX has been involved with the design, launch and sales of more than a few pieces of DJ gear. In between the boring stuff, ProfessorBX also finds time to DJ and play in punk bands, as well as threaten to leave the industry to start a Thomas Dolby cover band.