skratchworx - the definitive DJ gear archive

skratchworx – the definitive DJ gear archive

skratchworx - the definitive DJ gear archive

I’ve been doing this whole writing about DJ stuff in the guise of Gizmo and skratchworx for the best part of a decade. And in that time, as we’ve posted all manner of content that went on to become the industry blueprint for what many are doing today. We’ve broken world exclusives, brought you things that never actually saw the light of day, and generally gave you a regular fix of all things DJ gear.

But DJWORX is the new skratchworx – reworked, refocussed and recharged ready to stamp our name back onto the consciousness of the gear hungry masses. But close to a decade of ground breaking material is just too good to throw away, thus I’ve moved it into an area on DJWORX, where you can get your retro fix and dig deep into times past in DJ gear history. The skratchworx archive is in full effect.

Now it’s not perfect and will chuck up the odd error and broken link, all of which I will endeavour to fix bit by bit. But it’s almost complete, right down to the very early days that I’d previously hidden away simply because of the cringeworthy design. But I urge you to randomly gig into the monthly archives – you’ll find all manner of  stories breaking new product releases (Scratch Live  announced) as well a heap of retro DJ moments that will allow you to take a walk down DJ memory lane.

Skratchworx is now in hibernation, getting remodelled and will be given back to the turntablism scene from whence it came.

The Old Owner
  1. Thanks for the SL link…. Funny to see how simple scratchLive was at genesis compared to the behemoth it is now. Quote below make giggle a disrespect intended.

    “On January 22, 2004, halfasemitone said this:
    It’s amazing how little these companies think that a computer will be the wave of the future. The biggest problem with these controllers are that laptops and home computers were not designed to be scratch controllers. They were designed for general use. That’s why I don’t trust controllers that NEED computers. Tascam has the right idea. Computers crash because they are not “scratch” specific. Even the best protools set up crashes because machines are not “scratch” specific. Whens the last time you seen a digital watch crash when you went to check the time. Never. That’s because the programmers have dedicated chips to program for only telling time. These manufacturers will never know what a person installs on thier machine. So each machine differs, causing an imbalance of performace and lack of standards.”

    1. I actually agree with what that quoted post says….

      I’d much rather DJ from dedicated hardware than something hooked to a computer.

      Don’t get me wrong, I do have DJ software and various controllers, alongside all manner of other computer based tech such as Ableton Live, Cubase etc. – but when I’m out gigging my first choice is hardware.