red bull iscratch 40 djs Pioneer DJ DJM-S9

Red Bull’s iScratch Tokyo: 40 DJs with 40 DJM-S9s

Pioneer DJ’s ever so lovely DJM-S9 has just hit the scene, with many of you uncontrollably drooling at the thought, and for the few who went to BPM 2015, the actual look and feel too. Already in the short time since its release, the DJM-S9 is already making social media inroads into Rane’s safe territory as Pioneer DJ dishes out units to scratch VIPs around the world, ensuring total media saturation in the quickest time.

And this iScratch Tokyo gathering at the Red Bull Thre3Style finals underlines Pioneer’s desire to make the DJM-S9 the scratch mixer that your heart desires. Imagine putting 40 of the world’s most respected turntablists alongside the current cream of the crop champions, giving them all a DJM-S9, splitting them up into teams, and asking them to make a set. That’s what the above video is.

red bull iscratch 40 djs Pioneer DJ DJM-S9

This is nuts — so many world class DJs in on room, and pulling off a clean 8 minute set. Given the sponsor, I had hoped for Red Bull fuelled 140bpm full-on electro scratching. And they should have made it 6 minutes and then enter that for next year’s DMC online teams battle just for a laugh. Imagine the bill DMC would have to foot to fly them all in for the finals.

It’s just a shame that despite 40 mixers, 6 desks, and miles of cabling that nobody thought to record the master audio, or at least minimise the room in the final mix down. But I’m just being picky. It’s a stellar feat to make this happen. Well done to all involved.