denon dj mcx8000 engine prime statement

MCX8000 and Engine Prime — good news from Denon DJ

denon dj mcx8000 engine prime statement

This year’s NAMM was dominated by Denon DJ’s bounteous offerings of Prime based nextlevelness. Fuelling this next generation of Denon DJ is Engine Prime, a pumped up version of the existing Engine software. But existing Denon DJ users, namely those in possession of their comprehensive MCX8000 controllers, found themselves wondering what the future holds for them. And after a period of uncertainty, mixed messages, and angry internet chatter, Denon DJ has sent us an official statement.

And here it is:

We want to reassure our loyal and invested Denon DJ MCX8000 users that we are absolutely continuing to support this product. ‘Engine’ desktop software is currently being updated by our Development Team to incorporate DJ performance features, plus music-management workflow capabilities of ‘Engine Prime’. This will ensure our MCX8000 users have an even more enhanced creative, and standalone workflow on their MCX8000.

Paul Dakeyne – Brand Manager (Denon DJ)

Jan.27th 2017

So fear not MCX owners, one way or another, Denon DJ has your back. Perhaps it’s worth hanging on to your relatively recent purchase now that there is light at the end of the tunnel. It’s not like your frankly amazing controller isn’t any less amazing. It still does more than just about anything else out there too, and probably will for some time to come.

The Old Owner
  1. My fear is that they don’t properly understand the importance of a complete and integrated ecosystem. I’ve heard a few people from Denon now say that these products are aimed at different markets, but I could totally see a situation where I’d be using both the new 5000 players and an 8000 (club work vs. mobiles). If I have to redo my prep to go back and forth, that’s a big strike against. They need to have everything from beginner to pro covered off in their ecosystem if they really want to compete. Hook people when they’re starting out and keep them for life.

    And the fact it is inMusic means they could really do a complete ecosystem like that – they should be looking to make Engine work with as many models of every brand they own as possible, new and old.

    Just my 2¢.

    1. But the extra features Prime brings aren’t really usable on older gear as they don’t have the screens or buttons/menus/firmware to handle it. Only the MCX8000 can really benefit and that’s the one getting the update.

      Supporting 5 year old players won’t benefit them anymore than they curently are so can’t see it happening.

      All future players will be Prime but there only three models currently using standard Engineusing and one of those is the one mentioned here. The other two have dot matrix VFL displays.

      Future facing, Prime will be basically Rekordbox so rest assured, the entire future ecosystem will be Prime ready.

      Also remember Engine is software for preparing music on stick so will only work on their one controller that supports USB sticks… the MCX8000.

      1. “All future players will be Prime” – That’s being very optimistic.
        Imagine if Pioneer released different software for each product.
        It shows a serious lack of foresight from Denon.
        What’s to ensure that it doesn’t happen again?

        “Engine is software for preparing music on stick” – not just that.
        3900’s connect to it & load tracks directly from it (like recordbox does)
        Exactly like Engine Prime offers.
        Denon leaving their older customer base out is appalling!!
        The ONLY reason I honestly would find acceptable is if they…… changed the code for Engine Prime to accept a Rekordbox database.
        Denon wouldn’t have to make any ‘official statements’ about it.
        IF they did that, then they would’ve been thinking towards the future!!!

        1. That’s a little like asking Pioneer (back when they released the CDJ-2000) to make the CDJ-1000 rekordbox compatible.
          That’s progress and no one never promised you that your hardware will be supported infinitely.

          1. People seem to be asking for pre-takeover gear to be supported too. Expecting the new owners with new vision make old gear that they had nothing to do with compatible with their future roadmap is asking quite a bit, especially if the old technology isn’t easily supported in this new age.

            We’re in a rapidly evolving age, where technology is changing at an alarming rate. There will be casualties along the way. The 3900 player is now 5 years old, the 1600 mixer is 7 years old, and the 1700 mixer is a full 8 years old. They’re relative dinosaurs from a technology perspective. And from an industry perspective, many changes have happened to Denon DJ in this time. People and contractors involved along the way may no longer be available to new Denon DJ anymore to make a lot of this old stuff work. It’s really not as easy as simply hitting the “make it work” button.

            I’d rather see Denon DJ come out strong, slick, and forward looking, rather than having to drag old tech along for the ride.

            1. God bless Serato because if I’m not mistaken, they did just that […going from Itch to SDJ]. They brought many of the older equipment along for the ride, and being an NS7 owner for many many years, I’m am very appreciative of that. Say what you want, but it comes down to loyalty to your older customer base vs. money (as well). DenonDJ could very well bring the SC3900 along for the ride. It would be minus many of the features but the core functionality of the software would still work (much like the NS7 and SDJ). All other features can be had by adding an additional MIDI controller (like the SP6). This is not rocket science.

              1. I’m unsure. What are the *new* features of Engine Prime managnent software that could be used on a 3900 to make it work better?

                I’m unsure what would translate to its screens being it’s new features are only readable on a sceeen. I may have missed the features that will work.

                1. They are clearly using improved algorithms for beat detection. They have now also implemented manual grid editing, so that if the software gets it wrong (like current Engine does 98%) we can manually fix it. Hopefully it won’t crash everytime we use it, and take hours to create a database. I don’t care about the new green waveforms. I want a software that works the way it’s supposed to. This is all that we’ve been asking for. I’d rather ask this question – What features in the new software makes it incompatible? I guarantee the list is gonna be small.

                  1. Features wise it’s the cue point labeling, cue point colours and loop regions wouldn’t be able to be displayed but that’s it… as it’s very little benefit moving to Prime. I don’t get any crashing on Engine but then again, it could be a corrupt database. Most DJ software crashes with a flaky database. Scanning a file is only a little shorter than scanning one in Serato. The major and biggest improvement is the beat grids. This is worth it alone… but… they won’t support old skool players… just like Rekordbox didn’t support the CDJ400 only a few years after it was launched. There’s tech and firmware that’s just outdated in the older players that was under another companies control. They are basically finished now and the “new Denon” basically started with the MCX8000.

                    As Mark says, the previous players are prehistoric now and sometimes we need to move forward and cut ties with products that are 5 years old. InMusic aren’t really going to be busting a nut to support players they didn’t even produce (3900).

                    The MCX8000 was the first media player InMusic produced and this will get Prime. All other players will still run fine with the previous Engine (to which I don’t get any issues with).

                    Personally i think it would be great to see Prime on the 37/3900 but it’s not Prime gear.

              2. You are missing the point Jim. Nobody purchased Serato. Denon DJ is owned by a completely new company. They are pooling all their resources into driving and supporting current and future products – and they’re making waves right now with their new tech. The older products are discontinued. They are history. I know it sucks to hear, but I doubt many companies have an infinite amount of resources to do what you suggest.

            2. So inMusic had nothing to do with the MCX8000?
              Aparently this software was in development for the last 4 years, but Denon weren’t part of inMusic back then. So what are you actually saying? ‘pre-takeover gear’… The cdj350 is already 7yrs old & still is compatible with Rekordbox. Denon knew existing customers will be pissed, hence the announcement… I honestly doubt anything will change. We’ll talk again in a month or two’s time & see.

              “I’d rather see Denon DJ come out strong, slick, and forward looking, rather than having to drag old tech along for the ride.”
              The 8000 is far from old tech, do you honestly think Denon giving their existing customers the proverbial middle finger is ‘Strong & Slick’? Mark – I understand you get paid to promote their stuff. I actually bought a 8000 based on a djworx review. But with all your experience in this industry, I’m sure deep inside, you know they’ve done this wrong.

              1. First thing — I get paid for ad space, not for my opinion. The ads promote the products, not my words or coverage. The vast majority of DJWORX coverage is about companies who don’t advertise too. But my 8000 review wasn’t all smiles.

                Secondly, I wasn’t clear enough. I’m talking about people who expect much older units to be supported, not the 8000. Yay for Pioneer DJ supporting older units, but the circumstances are different for Denon DJ. I do completely understand that MCX8000 owners would look forward to Engine Prime, but Prime is a new line of products, using Engine Prime software. The MCX800 uses Engine 1.5, not Prime. That’s the problem in a technology led world — it moves so fast.

                And let’s be clear — Denon DJ has stated that they’re working hard to deliver Prime features to 8000 users. People are talking like Denon DJ has entirely washed their hands of the 8000, which is patently untrue. Let’s give them a chance and see what they come back with before choosing to second guess or just plain ignore what they’ve stated. You guys know me well enough to know that I’ll be the first to have an issue with them if the 8000 appears to be abandoned.

                1. Thanks Mark, And the human being DJs that actually also devolope engine software and the hardware that works with it are also working DJs that use the gear just like every reader here. It matters to us. We have no intention to abandon anyone using the technology we spend years developing. We were able to advance the technology significantly with the new prime series so we gave it a special name. Paul made clear the intention also bring the advanced technology when technically possible to the MCX8000.

                2. I wasn’t questioning your unbiased reviews at all. It just felt like you were defending Denon with the ‘old tech’ statement. 8000 owners have been begging for functional software for a year now. 2900 & 3900 owners have been begging for it even longer. So when Engine Prime is announced & we’re all left out, it doesn’t seem fair that they put their time & effort into developing a new software without sorting out their existing stuff first. So… we get pissed!! What you say is true, we need to give them a chance. Sadly based on Denon’s history with this, no-one feels very optimistic.

                  1. it seems my investments in past Denon gear 2900’s , 8000, is a greater loss than if i had bought Pioneers gear… the resale value on older Denon gear has been butchered to say the least…. I can’t even sell my old gear off at a fair price to invest in Prime hardware, and whats to say Prime 2 isn’t going to go a complete opposite direction again…. if i feel the need to upgrade hardware from this point n… it won’t be denon….rest assured.

            3. With all due respect, and as someone who has had to endure a terrible, horrible experience with Engine since the SC2900 release – I feel I’m owed at least a functional piece of software that i’ve been waiting for for quite a long time. Trying to use Engine is terrible.

              Analyzing a batch of songs without crashing is a 50/50 toss up.

              It requires fucking quicktime to be installed to work.

              It gets the BPM wrong almost all the time (drum and bass or Hardcore will be halved, or the value will always be like 174.7 or some wacky thing). There’s no way to double a BPM or put in a range if you know it’s faster than engine thinks music should be, because the software doesn’t support it.

              It doesn’t support music that isn’t 44100hz, it just throws up an error saying it couldn’t import the songs.

              the SC2900 and SC3900 players don’t load MP3’s which has an embedded image that’s too large. It just literally does not load the song. Why doesn’t engine know this and just either shrink the image or delete it (since those players can’t display images anyways)?

              Maybe it’s just because I play very underground and independent music (Japanese future bass and hardcore, stuff like that) but sometimes producers export tracks at 48000, sometimes they’ll tag honking giant images onto their files. These aren’t that big of concerns when a major label is making a song because they know the standards, but that’s not what I play.

              I *hate* engine, and I hope prime is good – but I will never buy another denon product after this experience.

        2. But that still works by loading the tracks to each deck on the 3900 with current Engine so it will function pretty much the same.

          I remember Pioneer didn’t make the CDJ 400 compatible with Rekordbox. It just couldn’t use it even though they wasn’t too old.

          It wouldn’t surprise me if we see an MCX8000 MK2 Prime version next year.

        3. The internet has become so contaminated I can’t no longer tell hidden agendas apart. Bet there is a lot if employees from different brands bashing crap here.

          1. It has happened, and on one occasion I banned the boss of a company from commenting completely.

            I’m pretty diligent with comments though, and always look up IPs of ones that I feel are suspect. If I can prove a comment comes from a company, it gets dealt with.

    2. Exactly, this is just a bit of a mess. Denon needed one, simple ecosystem that works across all their products. This update to the old Engine feels like a token PR effort to placate all those disappointed MCX8000 users….

  2. Great news! Any idea when we might see this much needed firmware update? It would be great to be able to use the 8000 with a thumb drive alone with added features!

  3. Dear Mr. Dakeyne,

    While you’re on the subject of reassuring your loyal and invested customers, could you finally give a definitive answer wether or not Denon plans to release a firmware upgrade for the Denon DN-X1600 and DN-X1700 to make them compatible with macOS Sierra.

    I’ve been getting mixed answers from Denon staff ranging from “it’s unlikely” to “we are attempting to find a resolution”.

    1. It’s a discontinued hardware that has been released 7 years ago and which is made midi compliant for the specific reason of not needing new drivers with every macOS change (and if I’m not mistaken – it didn’t until Sierra).
      Your problem is Apple, not Denon. Sorry but it’s true. Sell it to some windows user and add it to the “apple tax” that mac users say it’s worth paying.

    1. You will probably get better bpm/gridding options in Engine 1.5.x but forget about the iPad app update. Because, you know, only SC5000 should have the iPad-like browsing capabilities. PSSST, don’t tell anyone you have big-screen browsing capabilities on your 5y old players: Pioneer fanboys don’t like to hear it and now even DenonDJ doesn’t want to hear it ;)

    2. I’ve had two SC2900’s since release and I’ve always, always, always hated engine. I thought with the 1.5 release we’d have a piece of software that could actually detect the BPM of a song correctly, but apparently not. When prime was announce I was excited I might finally not hate the workflow of analyzing music to put onto a USB stick – but nope we don’t get to use the new software without buying new gear lol.

      Well, Denon, I’m going Pioneer. You had your chance, goodbye.

  4. That statement from Denon is very hazy.
    Is the 8000 gonna get a firmware update to enable compatibility with Engine Prime?
    Is the current Engine for the 8000 gonna finally get sorted out?
    Can anyone tell what is really being said here?
    and while Im on a question spree…….
    Any news on the stagelinq feature?

    1. I would imagine it will not be able to run Prime – it doesn’t have the hardware needed to run Prime. My understanding is that Engine and Engine Prime will be developed in parallel. That doesn’t mean the libraries won’t be compatible though…

      1. FFS, that “it doesn’t have the hardware needed to run Prime” is official BS on the same level that NI tried to push that only TSP certified interfaces are good enough (hardware-wise) to run timecode. All thats need is for Engine Prime to have a separate MCX8000 and SC2900/3900 export mode when creating a database on HDD/USB stick. That’s all Denon users want.

        1. It is my understanding that the SC5000 has quad-core micro-processors onboard – substantially more firepower than found on MCX8000, let alone SC2900/SC3900. SC2900/SC3900 don’t even have reasonable displays. Leaving SC2900/SC3900 out of the equation, as their hardware is far inferior, if you’re exporting in a format that MCX8000 can support you’re essentially just exporting to Engine 1.5 – exactly what the MCX8000 already supports.

          Denon have already stated that Engine will be updated to include some of the new features found in Engine Prime, but the fact of the matter is it is limited by the hardware under the hood – as all pieces of technology are.

          1. This has nothing to do with SC5000 and it’s hardware. This is about Engine Prime having a separate MCX8000 and
            SC2900/3900 export mode when creating a database on HDD/USB stick. Repeat that a few times Mark.
            Also, tell us: do you have any relations with inMusic?

            1. I have read what you wrote, perhaps you might like to read my comments again. I’m just a little puzzled as to why you would want to export in a format compatible with the devices you mention, if most of the features aren’t transferable. That is my point.

              Many of the features found within Prime require the processing power found within either a desktop/laptop or the SC5000. There is already Engine for MCX8000, that lacks many of those features – although that looks to be getting an update soon. I also commented that perhaps at a future date the libraries for Prime and Engine (standard) may be compatible – but this is speculation on my behalf.

              And again, sorry to disagree, but I do think this has everything to do with SC5000 and its hardware. Prime was designed with that hardware in mind.

              To answer your last question, yes, I work for an independent distributor of many brands, including a number of inMusic brands.

              1. “why you would want to export in a format compatible with the devices you mention, if most of the features aren’t transferable”

                Because software that was released for our devices doesn’t work. Denon Music Manager has no macOS version, Engine 1.0.1 (iPad app) had no bugfixes in over 4/5years, Engine 1.5.2 has no full beatgriding and bpm functions. It’s not that hard to understand.

                I did read your comments and you are not “puzzled”, you are just trying to spin this…which makes sense because of your inMusic connection.

                1. The people who ask that sort of question obviously do not use CDJ’s or have djs using the product in question. That’s like the same response from people who say, it doesn’t really matter, I use Serato anyways.. Then why did you buy a controller with all-in-one options? Might as well just get a cheaper Serato controller.

  5. This does not change anything, the statment only promises that Engine will keep beeing supported (as 2nd class citizent with low priority) and MCX8000 owners will not have acces to Engine Prime. This not a good move by Denon; Pioneer have only one software for all. Instead of spending some resources on fixing Engine (from crape to basic) adapt Engine Prime to work with mcx8000. Do not try to steal some cdj DJs from Pioneer while loose controler DJs. Remember mcx8000 is a premium controller with a premium price that deserves premium attention!

  6. So it begins….. the last product released is irrelevant… take the money and move on…

    They’ve pretty much abandoned all previous NON IN-MUSIC Denon released products. So you will never see an engine update for them.

    1. You’re talking about the main man (he used that as his signature in the old Denon DJ forums), right?
      Can’t really say that I miss these times.
      While Denon representatives used to be very communicative, it often ended up in the way described by @Simmmmo:disqus (whitewashing).

      But this rather seems to be an industry trend.
      Pioneer just removes critics from their forums.
      Native Instruments ignored everything on their forums for years (tbh that is changing a little right now).

      This type of “responsiveness” is kinda outdated.

      A shining example of how things can be handled differently is the crowdsourcing approach by Gabor (DJ Player) who uses Slack to interact with his user base.

      1. Kevin, you couldn’t have said it any better. Although in my opinion Sylvio (hope I spelled his name right) at the old Denon forum was a voice between the product users and Denon. I really think he did his best in relaying to the company what the product users were looking for and how they could improve their products and was always on the forum helping.

        Although Denon now have the resources to make better products I’m at the end of the line when it comes to Denon. When you make a stand alone product (SC 3900) then abandon the software to make that product usable then it shows you don’t care.

        My chief complaint from day one is “no way to quickly divide or multiply the BPM analyzed by engine.” It takes at lease three steps including manually typing in the BPM to change the result. And it don’t matter what setting you make in the preference, raw detection or what ever the other setting is. It seems like Denon intention all along was to make those product (SC3900/SC2900) controllers to be played with Serato/Traktor.

        I’m not asking for SC3900 to be compatible with the new Engine software just do the right thing and implement a BPM edit function.

        1. Unfortunately the 3900 is a legacy, pre-inMusic product. I think Denon would be spending all it’s resources to making sure it’s current product lineup is firing as best as possible first.

    2. i had three pioneer controllers. the top of the line ddj-rz or whatver. the xdj-r1, i forget the names. the denon is still better. the pios felt plasticy and cheap. denon has a cleaner sound. and your not stuck with the god awful rekordbox. there are mappings for sertato, vdj, traktor. etc… least there are options.

      the dn6000mk2 is one of the best controllers ever. yes its small and cramped. but its a classic. i might just get one so i have something super portable when i visit relatives or go on vacation and their are rainy days. avoid RELOOP at all costs.

  7. That Facebook group Denon started to discuss the Prime series – people were posting there asking why Denon started over with the Engine Prime software rather than expand (or fix) the current Engine. Understandably, as the MC7000 and MCX8000 are recent releases yet only supported by the previous software.

    That is until Denon either locked the threads to stop people posting, or chucked them off the group. The friendly face of Denon?

    Seems bizarre to me. Now instead of just having one library app that supports their range of products (like Pioneer), they have two different incompatible apps. Way to confuse and annoy customers.

      1. Yeah, it’s scary as sh**, like Trump-level press reports and tweets crazy. I’ve made a Denon DJ (Unofficial) page for that reason, it’s set to private so we can post freely without all of that.

      2. I’m glad others have noticed. It’s the mentality of these groups that put me of Denon, the engine prime and prime groups started by inmusic people, and the denon dj forum guys made admins. they are rude and constantly have to smack talk other brands. it’s sad.

      3. I’m a fairly huge Denon fan and brand evangelist as marketers call it, one day I piped up on that facebook forum about how awesome the SC5000s would be with full Traktor integration and that Gary dude got all up on me in a super negative fashion – almost *almost* killed my enthusiasm for spending $3600 on the players. They got some work to do for sure

  8. For those who have tried Engine – does it support multi value metadata ? i.e. multiple genre values (using each formats’ recommended delimiter) ?

  9. Created a Disqus profile just because this bs statement from DenonDJ made me so angry. As people already said, they are purging the Denon groups from not positive comments.

    Currently, there are THREE Engine version:
    – 1.0.1 iPad version that SC29/3900 users use for browsing
    – 1.5.2 for MCX8000 and SC players
    – new Engine Prime.

    iPad app is dead, it got one bugfix in 5 years and not even MCX8000 can use it for browsing despite it having a LAN port and no on-board qwerty option. Way to go, Denon.God forbid they updated it to the 1.5.2 standard or, geez, I don’t know, make it a convenient preparation/performance tool the way Traktor DJ at one point was. Marq Lightning will probably bring out their Linq lights but that’s just one manufacturer with a proprietary protocol and hardware. Serato now has that “box” called SoundSwitch which is basically the thing that’s inside the MCX8000. Either way, that’s two features that are stillborn from DenonDJ.

    1.5.x Engine will probably get minor updates (long awaited beatgrid editing, bpm input divide/multiply) and die when MCX8000 becomes discontinued.

    Any the most logical conclusion is Denon simply paid three different out-sourced developer teams for each development of each Engine version and doesn’t have money/time/rights to merge them together.

  10. What I don’t understand is, if something wasn’t ‘functional’ when purchased, why did you not send it back to be fixed? Get a refund? Or something? I purchased 2 HS5500’s several years ago when they first came out and did exactly that because they were unuseable. In the end they got them back to me and they were fine.

    I’m honestly beginning to think that Denon Dj, no matter what they do, have just become a brand people love to troll ‘because f*** Denon that’s why!’ and most probably why D&M sold the brand. I was actually surprised In Music kept the name.

    Competition is a good thing people and this tired industry needs it badly. MCX8k users give em a chance to release something first or return your units. SC29/39k users…. Your taking the piss and should know it.

    1. You can’t return a unit after 30 days to most retailers. So what happens is MCX8000 owners got a new piece of kit that supported Serato with screens and a backup. Well the backup was discovered to not work that great, but the serato and screens made up for it, on the idea that eventually the backup would work almost as well as serato. Well that date is now looking further and further away, and since you can’t return the unit, many users are upset. Myself included. I am just selling it on ebay, I already bought the Pioneer equivalent and now that my workflow is all one software, Rekordbox/DJ, I have no reason to look back.

      1. I guess I’m a bit old fashioned. I have always expected and needed these things to be road ready. Thing I found with Denon back then was if you went through the proper channels i.e reps etc, they were a pleasure to deal with. Trying to get anything sorted on their forum was always a waste of time. I don’t know what they are like now days under In music but I think they kicked the old forum into touch and probably rightly so. On the other hand I’ve had my own issues with Pioneer and Rekordbox and did not like the attitude of the people I was dealing with (or their old forum either actually). Was always left feeling a little underwhelmed by both the products and service vs the cost. Unfortunately for myself at least dealing with Pioneer is a necessity.

              1. Mark, you’ve said it right.
                Cobra, I think it’s more a case of “let say it’s not the official forum so mods can silence the unhappy customers there without anybody pointing the finger directly at us”.

                It also came in handy for them when the forum got wiped out in the begining of 2016, DenonDJ had no obligation to create a new one.
                They intended to launch a new, official one, about a two or three months ago (they made a test site but made it public and somebody stumbled upon it then posted the link in FB groups) but considering the backlash they are facing online they will probably postpone it a few more months…

    1. Actually, there a higher demand right now from what I can see, many current users are trying to get a backup/second pair considering no replacement is in sight and no competing product available.

  11. What a heap of junk. I have been a professional DJ for 20 years & this is the most expensive paperweight I have ever purchased. If you are thinking of buying one of these PLEASE save yourself the time, effort & money & buy something else!

      1. Hi Mark,
        I purchased in September 2016 new. There have been non stop firmware/software issues since then (ranging from screens freezing or not showing wave forms for the tracks playing to complete system crash). I have been willing to try firmware upgrades etc but now the MCX8000 has now permanently frozen on the logo screen so I cant do anything more to fix it.

        This is not an isolated problem.
        I am not the only DJ who has given this feedback.

        If you look on you tube you will find other examples of the same problem. It’s just JUNK!

        1. My unit has now also started doing this. Boots up and is frozen on the blue Denon Logo!! It still controls Serato (without anything on the screens except the logo), but it’s stand alone mode is totally useless. I can’t even get into the utility settings to try reset the unit. I honestly can’t believe this is a company I used to love & support.

  12. So I downloaded engine Prime and it is not compatible for the MCX8000 after I had the countdown release window going for a week to wake up excited and downloaded it to end in great disappointment when it just released last year so I dont see why they would not support the mcx8000 so what is this rumor of it working with the mcx8000

    1. Yes, no support for the MCX8000 in 1.0 version. They developed Engine Prime for over a year, made it from scratch by a inMusic software company and they didn’t include the MCX8000 for the start – what does that tell you?

    2. Where did you hear this rumor? The article clearly states that Engine Prime is not compatible with the MCX8000, and that the Engine software will be updated instead to include some of the Engine Prime features.

      1. Correct. Yet a user c/p this statement from a admin/mod at DenonDJ forum answering the question about MCX8000 support: “Imagine a version of Engine Prime (a version 1.1 maybe) which is able to let you use the same workflow as Engine Prime for Prime units, BUT is also able to save the results in a format which is suitable for MCX8000”

        So I would guess Denon had a change of heart and is now trying to reverse-engineer the original Engine 1.5 code (that was done outside of Denon/inMusic) to implement it in the Engine Prime in order to save some money. What would I like to know is how will this affect the SC2900/3900 owners. We don’t expect the players to be officially supported but it would be nice if a USB stick exported for MCX8000 on this future Engine-Prime-1-something version would magically work on the players. Same as an external keyboard is not officially supported but works on the SC5000 Prime.

  13. Remember when it was Technics 1200’s, Vestax PDX and Numark TTX? Yeah…the good ol days when we actually had gear that fucking worked.

  14. 9 months and counting….. in the meantime, Denon/inMusic (supposedly) had a change of heart and decided not to update the older Engine 1.5 but instead add the MCX8000 export mode on the Engine Prime. Without a single official press release or any timeframe.
    Damn, if they finally bring out Engine Prime 1.1 without the support for MCX8000 we’ll see users burning their units in the street haha

  15. Hey Mark, it’s almost 10 months later & not even the slightest peep from Denon about this. “Let’s give them a chance and see what they come back with before choosing to second guess or just plain ignore what they’ve stated. You guys know me well enough to know that I’ll be the first to have an issue with them if the 8000 appears to be abandoned.”……… I guess this all depends on what length of time you consider ‘abandoned’. How much of a chance should they be given? Don’t you think Denon should at least have the decency to communicate with their customers & let them know how things are progressing? Considering Denon straight up ignore their customers, perhaps a man in your position could actually get their attention. How much longer before you call them out on this?

    1. HELLO BROTHERS SISTERS … im new to dj – hard time with some words in english 1 – 2 i have the 8000 – question what the big war ? besically is a plain way of using it ? not to many options ?dosent lat you profesionals use what thay promised ?
      CAN SOMEBODY PLEASE EXPLAIN – to a new biginer whats the problem ….. and whats the bst way for me to use tu make the usb …. GOD BLESS YOU GUYS

  16. Dear Denon, The MCX8000 is over 2 years old, and no word on the stage linq feature, other then a 1 min clip from NAMM before it even came out. It wasn’t long after the release that you decided to change the external usb load feature to a different sort of “prime” then what the MCX8000 can handle, yet you are still selling it for $1,000 USD. I don’t think a little more communication, clarity, and compassion for your user base is too much to ask at that price.

  17. I have owned the 3700 and the 3900 and a few Denon mixers. None of my friends would even mix on the 37 or 39 s they all thought they were a joke and I agreed and sold them. they were built solid but the software was crap from the start. Obviously engine Prime is what they should have released in the first place their first engine software was total junk. oh well it’s not a perfect world hopefully their new units are successful.