Rane TWELVE MKII Easter egg Jazzy Jeff (2)

EASTER EGG: DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Rane TWELVE MKII

Magnificent House Party

Posted by DJ Jazzy Jeff on Saturday, 11 April 2020

As a writer of DJ stuff for some 17 years now, the things that come my way often offer remarkably less literary inspiration than before. This morning, however, was different, as waiting in my inbox was a juicy morsel, one that I’d seen but entirely missed the first time, but was now quite unmissable. And in this respect, instead of leak or scoop (because neither are correct) or some other journalistic cliché, given the day that I’m writing this, and the obvious deliberate nature of its appearance, let’s call the appearance of the yet to be released Rane TWELVE MKII in DJ Jazzy Jeff’s recent stream an Easter egg. 

EASTER EGG: DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Rane TWELVE MKII

You’d be forgiven for missing it — I certainly did when I watch Jeff’s test stream. And I was looking for anything of interest in his studio that we may not have seen before. But there it was, in three different streams. Firstly in the announcement stream, then the test stream, and finally the full show. To me, this means it’s quite deliberate, thus doesn’t count as a leak — it will have been sanctioned by Rane and Serato. And it’s definitely not a scoop, because neither of those manufacturers told me about it. 

EASTER EGG: DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Rane TWELVE MKII


It’s much the same, but with a few addition controls:

  1. Extra button on left of deck select buttons. From another angle, it looks like “HOLD FOR (?)VS MODE”. DVS? Sure does look like an 8 as well.
  2. There looks to be a small screen below the bank buttons 
  3. 12 and 2 o’clock markings
  4. A new button next to the pitch buttons. It sort of looks like “LOCK” or “FUCK”, but I’m reasonably confident of the latter being incorrect.
  5. A new rotary control. 
  6. Another new button under the rotary.
  7. There’s only power and USB cables in view, so I suspect this will remain as a controller without audio out.

Words cannot express how disappointed I am that the on/off carbuncle is still there. That ugly pointless control should have been designed away many years ago. Just let it go. 

As for what the new controls do — I’ve thrown my best Photoshop-fu at the labels, but I can’t make out anything. I’ll let you lot hazard guesses.


I think my ambivalence to the original TWELVE meant I didn’t spot it in the original video. And the minor updates on this still don’t interest me either. So unless there’s a killer feature hiding in plain sight, I doubt there’s enough to entice existing users to update. 

As for when — well Rane recently announced a buy one get one half price deal that expires at the end of May, and combining that with the finished nature of the product, then I’d say… well, to be honest, I wouldn’t like to guess when the Rane TWELVE MKII will drop. The whole world is up in the air right now, but July seems feasible. But don’t quote me on that. 

The Old Owner
  1. I’m thinking the hold for DVS Button either allows for sticker lock functionality (would make sense with the new 12 and 2 markers) or actually changes from MIDI to actually sending a dvs signal for use with other software? Probably the first guess since it’s still branded for Serato, but then why add a screen on too?

    Lock button is most likely key lock, but key fuck would be better.

    Rotary control is either auto loop with a button toggle for loop rolls (maybe touch capacitive for this) or start and stop time adjustment with a toggle button between the two.

    It will be interesting to see if they come with vinyl or if Rane will stick with the acrylics.

    1. I might be a terrible judge of vinyl vs acrylic – but my Rane Twelve mk1 looks like vinyl to me. I did buy it pretty much at release, so did they change it to a fake piece of vinyl later?

      1. You’re right, I also bought at release and the first version did have vinyl, though many complained that they were too slippery (swapping sides seemed to fix this).

        Then they had the white smooth acrylic release, either they ran out of the original vinyl or wanted to switch due to complaints. I think at this time they also switched to the quick release adaptor & washers, instead of the screw on one with the first batch.

        And finally, they switched to a black acrylic with grooves.

        I wasn’t completely satisfied with the stock vinyl so I did pick up some acrylics from 12inchskinz. They work well but we’re heavy and the smooth/shiny surface wasn’t the best for finger prints. I also have some flyweights with vinyl style grooves from 12inchskinz which are better than standard acrylics, but in the long run I went with some vinyl from digilogdesigns.

      1. Yeah, part of my reasoning was that one of the biggest complaints from people was that the mk1s only work with Serato (and now VDJ). Also if they are okay to use for DMCs, it would make sense to have broader support.

  2. Too bad it still won’t work with Traktor or RB DVS. :-p That aside, Im curious to see what the updates are. Fully recessed power and rca connectors would be nice (so they can sit in standard config as opposed to scratch)

          1. I’m not 100% sure, but that doesn’t look like grey code. It looks like it’s a binary encoder. The offset readers for the outer ring allow for higher resolution without needing more optical space on the disc.

  3. Overpriced even at the current Buy One Get One half Price.

    Its a motor and bunch of buttons,

    Do people actually use the buttons on the Twelves for anything (other than assigning deck 1 or 2) as i see people using this with the 72, 70, S9, Elite or any current battle mixer.

    The motor is probably sourced from a company in the far east, so they can claim R&D fees.

    What are people paying for?

    300 quid (USD/GBP/EUR) for a pair of Rane Twelves (MKI, MKII or MKmini) is the most i will pay for a “controller “that requires a laptop and a mixer to function!

    1. Well these are glorified Numark V7 more or less… but 300 quid is less than a regular turntable but these are “midi” devices too… let’s say the lack of tonearm vs the extra buttons and functions. If Serato implement properly software they could add some value at their proposition meanwhile denons are step up in price and smaller in platter… but ATM yes, these are overpriced for the market due they arrived 9 years late.

    2. People are paying for a digital turntable that’s as close to or better than the masterpiece that is the Technics 1200. People are paying for a full 12 inch platter and the convenience of not having to worry about tonearm, needles, bass interference, rca cables, and time coded vinyl issues that one has to deal with when using traditional turntables. Yes it is a controller device but with today’s technological advances why wouldn’t it be?

      1. Comparisons to the 1200 feels like apples and oranges. The reasons why a 1200 is so great was exactly what’s missing from the Twelve. You can play audio on a 1200 but the Twelve can’t. The Twelve can be directly controlled by Serato, but the 1200 can’t. They are to all intents and purposes entirely different devices.

  4. Rane Twelve is awesome. Anyone who disagrees is stuck in the future. I’ve quite enjoyed mine, been pretty reliable and comfy in terms of latency and feel for scratching. Is there any decent alternative? Do they sell well? I was contemplating adding a second unit for the most pointless digital recreation of an old fashioned setup for mixing.
    Also ask them to make a GOLD ltd version please.

    1. If the “midi/Hid” protocol on these is available for 3rd party then you could make it work with Pideck or DjPlayer for a Denon 12… but probably it isn’t, right?

  5. Still waiting on a “Native” control mapping to work with Traktor ;)

    Seriously though, I’m STILL rocking my Numark CDX CD turntables from 2003, The CD drives love to fail, I’ve gone through 4 of em so far, and these 2 are on their last legs. PLEASE!!!!! Give us a 12″ motorized turntable that works natively with Traktor. How hard is it to merge the best control method with the best software? DO COMPANIES NOT LIKE MAKING MONEY!? lol. Someone show me the light.

  6. I know Rane must feel like they’re walking a fine line between changing the layout of the traditional 1200. It’s not like it wouldn’t work for the end user, placing the pitch fader vertically in the upper right hand corner. What a pain it is to reach over the platter and manipulate the pitch fader horozontally. This is a real turn off for me. There is no need to have the pitch fader behind the platter.

  7. I just tried to purchase a set of twelves off PSSL.com and they called and said they can’t ship them because they are discontinued and the Seventy is backordered until October. Must mean something else is coming soon

  8. MK2 Released today for the 72 MK2 with the Mag 4 faders and external tension. Twelve MK2 is here with the RCA (time-code Output), cross-platform compatibility, navigation scroll wheel and screen. The new bells and whistles. However there will be upgrades for the original 72 mixer for swapping the mag 4 faders as well as firmware / software. $1899 and $899 respectively (US)