Crack-in-a-box: New NI Maschine

Crack-in-a-box: New NI Maschine

=Native Instruments Maschine mkII (2)

I predicted it, and here it is – the latest iteration of NI’s stupidly addictive groovebox aka Maschine is with us. Not just one, but 2 new lumps of hardware as well as a heap of customisation options to pretty up the normally reserved stylings into an explosion of colour. Say hello to the all new Maschine.

Crack-in-a-box: New NI MaschineI’m not going to spend much time on this, because this is much more up the street of our good friend Chris Cartledge, who has covered it much more knowledgeably than I can. Check out his ohdratdigital post right here.

Another reason why I’m not dwelling on this is because in real terms, it’s old news. NI do a sterling job of providing a carpet bombing of ridiculously high quality marketing materials. They work long hours to carefully create and orchestrate a plethora of words, images, video and all manner of webby goodness – only to have it leaked by a big retailer who should know better, and then have it almost immediately recycled unabated through the usual social media channels. As I write this, you’ve all seen it, which is why I’m only giving it a cursory mention now.

What I will do however is direct you to watch another sterling performance from Jeremy Ellis, who is clearly channel Kraftwerk for this less frenzied set. I also recommend that you visit NI’s Maschine site to pour over the mountain of material, and then come back for some of my own thoughts.

So to new Maschine – in light of the F1, t’was but a matter of time before Maschine got the RGB pad treatment. Obviously it’s pretty, but does begin to cross-pollenate with Traktor’s workflows too. It’s quite common to see DJs with a Maschine sat next to them, but right now they’re only sort of working together, but not quite in the super slick way that they really should.

Crack-in-a-box: New NI Maschine


And NI’s usually teutonic  industrial minimalism appears to have been cast aside  with this release too. Not only are Pioneer going all Day-Glo with their new WeGO controller, but NI are also putting out White versions of the 2 Maschine models, and also providing some multi-coloured faceplates. But the big question is this: WHERE ARE THE WOODEN TRIMS?

The Future

Crack-in-a-box: New NI Maschine

There’s no doubt that this new hardware and v1.8 of the software (free to registered users) are wonderful, and I crave them badly even though my somewhat rusty and ancient beatmaking skills couldn’t possibly do them justice. But given the glaring cosmetic similarity to the Kontrol F1, where is this all going?

I cast my mind back to NAMM, specifically an image being projected on the wall at NI’s LA office. Daniel Haver was talking about integration, and on screen was NI’s holy trinity of products – Komplete, Traktor and Maschine all linked together. And with this release, I feel that we’re beginning to see that happening. The Remix Deck workflow is clip launching with knobs on – a workflow ideally suited to Maschine as well. Just how this will work out is uncertain, but I’d put good money on the yet to be announced or even discussed Traktor Pro 3 bringing them together, especially as NI seem to be holding back at v1.8.

So seeing as the RGB buttons are working their way through the NI hardware roster, I wonder what will be next? And when? I’m pretty sure I’m bang on in my guesswork, but I’ll let you all thrash it out in the comments. That is if this isn’t too old a story to comment on of course.

The Old Owner
  1. A tip of the cap to you Mark :)

    For DJs, this version of Maschine could be huge. A Maschine either side of the mixer in place of CDJs style huge. I think platters on DJ controllers are there for track searching convenience and old school analogy more than anything, so pop an S4, 4Trak, VCI 400 or any other ‘pro’ level controller in there as a mixer and suddenly you have the best of both worlds and aren’t hunched over miniaturised controls.

    Time for me to actually start working out some sets in this new paradigm I’ve been banging on about for yonks…

    1. I think it’s going to take people to stop thinking about music as a finite thing that lasts x minutes and seconds, and see it as pieces in a jigsaw puzzle. Gear like this doesn’t stop you playing from A to B to A etc, but opens up a lot of potentially creative avenues.

      1. Exactly, and I think that’s what everything hinges on. DJing is still DJing, you’re still playing songs. Nobody wants a 2hr set of someone fiddling about constantly, but if you can pepper in a bit of pizazz here and there whilst seamlessly switching between ‘normal’ tracks and involved, live remix style stuff, I think you’re onto a winner.

        1. Most people want to hear the original songs that they know and preferably played at least 3 minutes without some cocky wanabe DJ playing around. The main public wants to hear their songs and meet someone. Who cares about a boring DJ nowadays . Only some selected fanboys and other wanabe DJs.

  2. I agree that this revised controller probably has far more to do with future Traktor integration than it is providing anything the straight Maschine users really need. I’ve already heard speculation on some “export as remix decks project” type of thing, now that colours can be attatched to sounds.

    1. This may well be a too much of a step for NI right now. They’re used to shifting huge numbers of DJ controllers, and while ditching the jogwheel seems logical in a more sample and loop based world, replacing an S4 with what I assume would be called a something4 might be a little too early, unless the do update the S4 with more pads and bring out a complimentary unit with no jogwheels at all.

  3. I like your tittle Mark ! Because i think you put your finger on the underlying thing to all this.
    I think the new Maschine is a very nice piece of gear, and i can see how it will ultimately fuse with Traktor, offering us some sweet cross compatibility (or so one can hope). NI is really setting itself up to be one big ass pusherman for us musician and djs. Because when their evil (?) plan will be complete, i don’t think that any other manufacturer of dj or production gear will be able to compete with the integrated solution they have been cooking. The one stop shop drug !

    However I still feel that in order for them to create what they planned, they are leaving too much stuff on the side of the road.
    And I mean some really basic stuff, in both Maschine and Traktor. Some things like options for post/pre fader fx, audio routing, browser improvements, etc… And stuff like sidechaining, pad mute recording, midi import, and etc. for Maschine.

    I think it’s detrimental because some of these “options” or features are already a part of the legacy that was built during the last 30 years, important and proven methodologies of the way we can manipulate audio to create music. And missing on these tools feels a bit like the foundations of what they are building are dodgy.

    The tldr : NI should focus more on some of the basics.

    1. Couldn’t agree more; when are we going to be able to draw our own xfader curves as opposed to being able to choose between just smooth and sharp? Or choose what frequencies are cut by the EQ’s? It can’t be that hard to include options like these, and they’re really quite useful.

  4. having massive in side the mashine is amazing its almost worth the cost of the mikro alone… The Jeremy Ellis video again is a droolfest of skills most of us will never reach but dam it, it makes me want one.
    Surely (unless i missed something on the N.I. page) it must mean youcan use this with the remix decks soon