mojaxx TV serato remote view first look demo review

VIDEO: Serato Remote first look from Mojaxx

[youtube id=”UWaIrvgjD8k”]

Moving considerably quicker than we can, Mojaxx has leapt headfirst right into the new Serato Remote app and shot an extremely detailed (i.e. nearly 20 minutes) video going through just about every nook and cranny of the new app, and offers his first opinions using Serato DJ and Scratch Live.

Mojaxx does point out something important — Apple have been incredibly restrictive with what they allow developers to do. Connecting to a laptop with a 30 pin cable is usually reserved for Apple’s own purposes i.e. syncing with iTunes and charging. The unofficial route has been plugging in via the Camera Connection Kit (CCK), which Apple could shut off with a few code changes. So this is quite significant, and means that your iPad gets charged while in use as well. I guess it depends on how many USB ports you have spare, but definitely looks like the way to go.

mojaxx TV serato remote view first look demo review

What the video does show is the true 2 way communication between computer and iPad. This isn’t just MIDI signals going from iPad to Serato software — Serato Remote has a real conversation with SSL and Serato DJ, and properly understands what is going on and acts accordingly.

I feel it’s important to underline that this isn’t a competitor for Traktor DJ or djay — those apps create whole new and separate experiences from your existing one. Serato Remote simply aims to make your existing Serato experience that much better. So at first glance, $20 for a remote is expensive in the app market, but when you realise just how deep the integration is, and just how much the app can do, it feels like a total no-brainer to grab this app without delay.

I guess we’ll have a review soon, but having watched Mojoxx’s excellent video, I suspect it’ll most probably reflect exactly what he already says anyway. Great work Mojaxx.