Bass is normally the realm of huge brain mushing subs. But the Basslet delivers it to your wrists. Ray straps on a pair, and tries to rearrange his innards.
wearable technology is of a relatively minority interest to DJs. But when Apple get hold of anything, suddenly it becomes a lot more desirable. And with the announcement of the Apple Watch and the kinds of included technology, there is potential for DJ performance use. So given Apple's usual technology midas touch, would you consider an Apple Watch for enhancing your performance?
The foundation of scratching is placing hands on vinyl on a turntable and essentially moving them back and forth. But in an age where music no longer needs to exist in physical form, some DJs who embrace new tech are turning their attention to using digital music, and eliminating the need for hardware too. Behold Myo gesture based air scratching in Serato Scratch Live.
Sound isn't just about what you hear but also what you feel. When the bass drops and your guts do the same thing, the vibrational power of music is clear. So wouldn't it be nice if you could feel the beat when mixing? That's what feelthebeat aims to do via a wearable bluetooth metronome.