Serato has finished its private beta period of their new producer oriented Serato Sample and have released v1. There's also a 30 day trial for you to test.
It's funny how things often come full circle. Serato gained fame via their Scratch Live DVS software. But once the controller revolution had got a grip, they turned their attention to that market. But now, with their Serato DJ DVS addon expansion pack, they want to make their controllers DVS friendly.
DJing and producing used to be disparate worlds. But now the line between them is increasingly blurred, with each camp wanting to dabble in the other. Serato tried to graft Ableton Live into Scratch Live with a great deal of promise but limited success. But now they've decided to work with Akai Pro to bring Serato DJ into the producer world via hardware that compliments APC units. The AMX and AFX controllers deliver a fair slice of the Serato DJ repertoire in a very familiar and cost effective way.
After introducing a new standard for syncing iOS devices with Ableton, Link has been made available for desktop devices and as an open source project.
Serato has an announcement that's worthy of doing a press conference and live stream at 6pm Dutch time from ADE 2015. Ray is there, and an embargo is here.
Alchimie Zinc offers a GUI to wrangle files and folders into Serato playlists. V1.1 does it for Traktor too. Rejoice!