SHOWCASE: Print your own DJ controller

SHOWCASE: Print your own DJ controller

This week’s technology showcase is something a little different, very much from the future but has the possibility to allow you to print your own layouts for your favourite DJ controller. Dr. Kate Stone is by her own admission a “creative scientist” who has come up with a clever method of essentially printing Silver circuits onto paper, and via a bluetooth circuit has taken control of algoriddim’s djay app.

SHOWCASE: Print your own DJ controller

There is always a limitation with software in that while some offer a degree of flexibility with layout, it’s usually panels rather than individual controls, unless of course you want to get into the world of skinning. But this could be used as a very clever prototyping tool, that enables manufacturers to try out all manner of iterations, tweaking and changing to infinite degrees to hone the perfect controller layout.

SHOWCASE: Print your own DJ controller

Granted, we’re some way from 3D printing out perfect controller out (but it will happen mark my words), and I’m a little unsure of how you print Silver onto paper to make circuits, or indeed what kind of software you’d need to do it. But this is nonetheless a very smart invention, that I hope sees a lot of development in all sorts of areas. Good work Dr. Stone!

Link: Turnstyle via Lamont Stigler