Allen & Heath's xone:DB4 truly was the dogs bollocks that they described. So did they castrate their new xone:DB2? Not at all.
Allen & Heath make amazing mixers. But the promise of their sporty named xone:DB4 is one of being the one mixer to own them all. Andrew Unsworth checks is out.
Allen & Heath are a rare breed - a UK based DJ hardware company. The xone:02 is a hugely underrated slice of scratch goodness and well worthy of a look. WHich is just what we did.
Behringer's reputation is built on making me-too products for half the price. But the DDM4000 is a trailblazer. A box so laden with features is not what anyone expected, but it rocks. Find out what we think.
Is it a mixer or a controller? Actually, the 4Midiloop is both - a mixer that acts like a controller. Confused? You won't be once you play with it.
Vestax's 05 Pro was the foundation of scratch mixers. And here we are with the third version.
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