If you don’t agree with this sentence from this book you are probably on the wrong website – “We don’t want more unaffordable flats. We want somewhere to dance…”
Out of Space book is available from Velocity press

More recommended reading from DJWORK
Glasgow, London, Sheffield, Todmorden. All important cities in the history of UK nightlife. Jim Otewill chronicles their nightclub history, often just in time before the developers swallow it hole. We would have liked more interviews with the clubbers who used these spaces, and definitely more photos. However any book that mentions Out in the Sticks in Todmorden is good with us. The clubs and cities chose are covered in good detail, the section on Sheffield is particularly comprehensive. We would have linked it all further with the record shops, pirate radio and even after party venues but you have to draw the line somewhere.
The sections on where nightlife goes next are a strange mix of guesswork and optimism, but the reality is that without books like this our/your heritage is going to become flats or a supermarket.
A great book for anyone who’s ever been part of the scene, and a brilliant book for anyone who is concerned about what is going to happen those venues we hold so dear to our hearts.
The subtitle is “How UK cities shaped rave culture” – The reality is rave culture shaped UK cities, but for how much longer?