DJ Player Pro Android

Possible April Fool: DJ Player Pro coming to Android?

DJ Player Pro Android

April 1st is all about high jinx and jolly japery, so traditionally it makes no sense to send out PR, or to post news that comes our way for fear of it not being taken seriously. But this little nugget appeared in my inbox a shot time ago. And while it risks ridicule, I think it’s worth posting nonetheless. But it does look like the previously iOS only DJ Player Pro might be coming to Android.

It arrived via Facebook Messenger so I took the bait. I immediately responded to Gábor from DJ Player Pro and told him I was posting it right away — April Fools Day be damned. This is what he said:

“If this is true, then you can expect that every aspect of the performance (audio stability, audio/midi/touch latency, etc.) is the same as on iOS. Because I’m not releasing anything with lower quality points. If this is true.”

Now I’m pretty adept in Photoshop and I can’t see any obvious fakery. And given Gabor’s established chops high Android latency via his Superpowered project, I’m willing to post the image and be confident that it’s real.

So while this is a clear case of Gábor messing with my mind, it looks like DJ Player Pro may well be in the hands of Android users in the future, minus all that horrible latency that has dogged the platform and kept pro audio users away. If this is true… ;)

The Old Owner
  1. I’d like to see Gabor and co do some digital files hardware, and would support. I read discussions about cdjs being expensive, and having old tech and cheap parts, and think “theyve been successful because you dont need a computer with them” Cant we all just accept that a device that has the computing internally is better.
    I wonder why someone so obviously talented with audio software isnt putting said software on a board and into their own devices.

    1. Because apple makes some of the work for developers crafting a good OS with good APIs in good hardware and lots of developers push the platform forward. There is no better hardware platform for developing embed solutions like iOS devices. Lots of bramds try it (even akai with win10 embed) and time will show what was the winner path…

      1. I just can’t agree with that.
        Over and over ive tried to see tablets and phones as useful in the context of djing and again and again been forced to come to the realization that they are, when compared to other devices which have their computing internal, just plain cumbersome. Always trying to find something to hold it, or worry about adapters and cords, no Thankyou.

        Can you imagine if the turntable required an external device to work?

        1. You can buy an old iphone 4 and use it only for djplayer. It’s done, no need to wait or wonder, justify etc. Simply done.

          Now with the new cck adapter for new ipads you can plug hub (or soundcard with hub like novation or akai eie) and charge the ipad at the same time. Apps are done, adapters are done, ipad pro is powerfull enough to carry most than anyone could need in audiovisual realm. It doesn’t need to power on, I never power off my oldie 3rd gen ipad…mmm updates? Turn off them…

          You can agree or not but the fact is iOS is the best platform at this moment and you have impc pro, djplayer or korg apps as examples. Check others like modstep, arturia and so on… Wait if you want for better platform coming but then good luck trying to convice developers to dev and maintain… You are going to pay for updates? I don’t see it happen honestly.

          Maybe understanding the full picture you could understand what ipad are sold by tons and developers keep themselves in iOS ecosystem/market.

                1. So there are tons of coders developing their own platforms and zero doing apps for iOS right? That’s the reason behind your first question?
                  Back to reality Steve. These coders aren’t dumb and work for the best platform. Develop their own platform means hardware developing and maintaining over the apple one. Seriously did you think any brand in the world could do it better even when Google is failing it? Akai? Pioneer? NI? Why them makes closed cdjs (with bugs or codecs limitations) and others develop for Computers and now iOS mobile devices?
                  Can you see how devices like jazzmutant lemur died trying to survive to an ipad platform? Now the same with wacom vs ipad pro… At this moment wacom is still relevant but remember the lemur history…
                  It’s about easy of coding, improving and user adoptation.

                  With the new lighting to cck+charging you have the best platform without no compromises. Don’t expect win10 nor selfdeveloped platforms (teenage engineering op-lab?) to win over core audio, core midi, midi over bluetooth lte, audiounit integration in host, metal graphics for enhanced visualism in Arm platform… Seriously did you not see how difficult is to maintain all these APIs uptodate for one developer like Gàbor in addition to its own API (like supercharger if I don’t wrong with the name) even when these are used instead of? It will supose recode everything and be alone in your development without any chance to know revenue… For dj marketplace!?!?

                  It makes no sense. If someone have the enough muscle to build by itself a hardware platform it wouldn’t dj one. There is not enough revenue to worth the penny. That’s the reason behind Pioneer not betting so high in hardware and becoming later to any NI software release and Rekordbox launch. Why to implement a software with DVS if not?
                  Seriously rethink it and be honest. The problem with iOS devices nowadays is more in the user than the platform which has madurated to becoming nearly perfect for hard/soft developers and Apple put lots of money and strategy to do it.

                  Expect Traktor 3 and Ableton Live 10 over iOS 10 later this year or 2017. It was surely planned before but ipad air wasn’t pro and all this was delayed (check rumours and dj related apps released dates to see the correlation) but now is the time and ipads grow in power exponentially not linear.

                  1. Perhaps you havent noticed, but theres only the two of us that found this interesting enough to comment on, and my comment was please dont waste your time.
                    So, that just leaves you, one person whos interested.

                    1. You was wondering “why not” (first comment) and I duscussed with knowledge and arguments towards personal taste and lack of facts (being apple iOS the most sold and bigger platform for realtime audiovisual apps for 100€ with iphone 4 in second hand market) so time to understand why and life with it.
                      Times when ipad/iphone were toys and non profesional are gone and probably messe next week could bring us some news.
                      Room for other platforms, sure win10 is promissing it (standalone mpc reinnasence, ns7mk4) but nowadays you can have booth of them (even charging again) and compatible with any class compliant hardware (if ns7 isn’t it problem of numark having even Pioneer hardware compatible with iOS)

                      So yes end of discussion and time to continue doing some music with my oldies iphone 4 and ipad 3 without any great issue (with the right choice of apps and hardware like is202)

                    2. I was trying to “politely suggest” that the marvels of the djplayer programming prowess would be, in the long run, better applied to something other than phones and tablets.

                    3. you, are rude
                      And, full of shit
                      And i never seen you do a damn thing musically
                      So stopp talking out your ass, cause i will clown you in any type of djing you choose, including with a tablet, a phone, whatever


                    4. Any ad-hominem fallacy me against you nor insults will give more credit to you or me. I don’t need to show my credentials or music making. Truth is truth and Gábor give you an answer. It’s done once again. Walk on…

                    5. Yes, you do have to show you something. you’ve blabbed and blabbed for years on this site. over and over and over, you never shut up, with opinions on everything.
                      So kinda show me that you can actually do something interesting with dj equipment.

                      great, you know how to look up logical fallacies, problem is you missed the fact that it was you the committed one when you implied i was ranting, all because I don’t agree with you.

                      here’s something you should look up, it’s called “escalation of commitment”

    2. Technically the “without-computer” devices are inferior, because they are less flexible and often poorly implemented (such as ugly pixelated erratic graphics on a CDJ or phasey time-stretching).

      I understand that software has no value for customers and they still find hardware superior, despite of what they really get is a small embedded Linux computer with “so-so” software. Because a hardware is a real thing they can physically grab.

      My main thing is not the DJ market, because it’s very small. Yes, even Pioneer is quite small. I’m trying to shoot for something bigger, and keep the DJ market my hobby.

      1. frankly, i don’t care if the graphics are pretty, if they do their job. a turntable has zero graphics, and it works great.

        i would not call the software in the scs4dj “so-so”
        could it use some more dev? yea sure.
        it could use a rework of the fx, but the jog performance is better than anything else out there.

        since the deaf dj “mudhole” has brought up fallacies, who says that we need flxibility?
        i don’t need a pair of shoes that fit a “range of sizes” I just need ones that fit.
        look at all the options in software for creating music, and how much absolute trash music is out there.
        then look back to the days before so much flexibility and look at how much great music was made.
        we don’t need flexibility, we need knowledge, courage and and creativity. you can’t get those from a software, no matter how powerful it is.

        1. “i would not call the software in the scs4dj “so-so”…”


          I bought the one Mark was selling on here back in October just as a backup incase all went wrong and it’s brilliant. It needs work, like anything, but for what it offers is a true all-in-one that doesn’t need a computer.
          Even the Pioneer players and the new Denon MCX8000 need a computer to manage the library via software but the Stanton actually scans (slowly) and analyses on-board. No other unit I can think of does that. Genius!
          Imagine if it had something like DJ Player on board or Algoriddim Djay.

          1. That’s very nice to hear.
            I’ll never forget being told “oh we would never make an imbedded all in one device, that would mean we were in the computer business”
            So when I hear that same sort of talk now, it doesn’t dissuade me from what I know, and the tremendous potential still left untapped,

          2. “actually scans (slowly)”


            Not fluid graphics and some slow features are good indicators that software development was not the best, or they had to take too many compromises.

            But if there is the SCS4DJ (or Pioneer XDJ-RX), why do you need an embedded device with Djay or DJ Player?

            1. What all of us need (in general) is someone programming/engineering who is good, fast, and accessible. Know anybody who fits that description?
              So as to insights come to light from the users(such as theres just something intangible about a motorised platter); that those insights can be passed to the programmer in an open forum for all to follow.
              We need a modern “scratch focussed digital player” that plays from small removable media; With functions that scratchers want and like. Fx that work with scratching; like bpm shifts and simulated drags.

            2. And i would gladly purchase a single deck motorised platter version of the xdjrx
              What can i say “i feel alive, when it’s direct drive”

            3. Because it was 5 year old tech… we need an update and it needs someone else to pick up the baton and to push further.

              You’re right about the software as it wasn’t the best. It was only slow on the scanning side of things so imsgine what we could do now with today’s cheaper power. It was years ago that unit came out but manufacturers could finally make something in a professional casing.

              An RX that could scan the tracks and have Rekordbox inside. A Denon MCX8000 that had engine built in so a computer wasn’t needed or maybe DJ Player inside a unit like one of the above. Full DJ software in a pro controller housing is what if love to see.

              The SSS4DJ isn’t in professional housing with quality switches or a metal case.

              Five year old tech is just going back to Galaxy S2/iPhone 4 territory… DJ Player does so much more as the technology it’s used on got better.

              Now if the processor inside an SCS4DJ was up to today’s spec then we’d see something much more powerful and something like what Numark have flirted with the NS7 with embedded Windows. The SCS4DJ isn’t relevant now just as an iPhone 4 isn’t.

              DJ Player inside an RX? I’d buy that.

        2. “it could use a rework of the fx”
          “could it use some more dev?”


          If the SCS4DJ is so good for you, then just use it! Why create a new device?