The DDJ-1000 was a well recieved box of goodies. And for those that don't need four channels, the Pioneer DDJ-800 gives you just what you need.
Denon DJ continues to leap over the lines drawn by other manufacturers and delivers the Prime 4, a full four channels of standalone shiny goodness.
We told you about it — now Rasteri has detailed the whole SC1000 scratch controller project and made it open source via Github.
Denon DJ's Prime 4 unit dominated NAMM. And now we want to muse over just what the launch of a true four channel standlone unit means for the future.
Looks like grid controllers are expanding to fill the space available. And Akai Pro's Force (not the Force) is certainly a performance beast.
Fruity Loops ripened to become FL Studio, and working together with production powerhouse Akai Professional comes the Akai Fire controller.